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The boys were relaxing and sitting in Liam's room. Harry was healed and he was 100% healthy. "Holy shit do we sound good," Zayn said and Niall nodded, "Fuck yeah we do! We should totally form a band together! I mean, this was what we dreamed of from the very start of it all." "I know that we will do amazing. I'm in," Louis agreed. "The five of us do sound pretty bad ass together," Liam was the next to agree.

"I don't really think that I'll fit in with that kind of lifestyle..." Harry mumbled and Liam gave him the 'really' look. "Harry, we've attempted at singing without you. We've tried singing without Zayn, but without 1, then there is none at all. We can't do it without you mate!" Liam told him, giving him support and motivation. "Alright, alright, before all of you start to pull off the puppy eyes-" "Which totally works on my part!" Louis spoke cheerfully and Harry chuckled, "With the role of being my boyfriend, it's quite easy for you to get your way Lou," Harry then told him and Louis smiled happily. "I know!" He cheered before he giggled.

"Anyways, I'm in." Harry told the rest of them and they all cheered. Fast forward an hour and the boys (except Harry) were hanging in the game room. Harry was in his own room, doing god knows what. Louis did think that they were being pretty forceful with Harry joining them with this whole band thing, so he went to go check on his lover. "I'm going to go check on Hazzy. I'll be right back," Louis told them and they nodded at him. Louis then stood up and walked out of the room to walk all of the way to Harry's room.

Clifford was following him and when they reached Harry's door, Clifford sat and stayed silent. Louis was about to knock, but when he heard voices, he got curious and leaned in to hear what was going on. When he got in a good position, he heard that the other voice was coming from a cell phone. Harry was talking to Mark specifically.

"But Harry...you love your job. Are you sure that you want to resign?" He heard Mark ask. "Mark, you should've seen the smiles on their faces when I said yes. They just looked so happy. You know that I'm with Louis and you know how much I care when it comes to him being happy. I'll miss the things that I've done to protect this town, but their happiness means a lot to me."

"Okay...but I'm not listing this as permanent. Tell me if anything happens that changes your mind. Right now, you'll just be Idle." "I'm fine with that..." Louis stepped away from the door and walked back to the game room, just thinking of his boyfriends words. "So guys, I've been thinking..." "Oh shit, take cover!" Zayn said and Niall rolled his eyes, "Shut up. Guys...I kind of enjoyed this thing that we had going on...being a temporary agent was really fun! It may have been risky, but still!" Niall exclaimed.

"Not going to lie...I did like it too. Like I know that we want the celebrity life, but I don't even want to live a boring life again. I want something enticing." "I did always want to be like my dad. Then it's also weird because I want to be a celebrity and be what my dad is at the same time. "Boys..." Louis called. "Yeah?" "Then why don't we just continue. Why don't we just become undercover cops. Just like Harry?" Louis suggested. "And we can just be singers to cover it all up!" "Yeah!" They all cheered right before Harry walked into the room.

"What's up boys?" "We are going to be undercover cops Harry! Just like you!" Niall cheered and Harry laughed, "Huh?" "Seriously Harry. We loved the life that we had being agents and shit. We just decided to have the celebrity life cover it all up." Louis nodded before he walked up to Harry and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.

"In this case, you don't have to resign," He said as he smiled up at Harry. "You were going to resign?" Liam asked. "Yeah...you guys seemed pretty happy when I said yes, so I thought that it was a good move for me to make," Harry told them with a kind smile. Everyone cooed and attacked Harry in a group hug. "Louis is so lucky, you have a good heart," Liam said and Louis giggles.

"How do we become an official agent then?" Niall asked and Harry shrugged, "It's not that hard. You guys were trained the best that you could, so all that you have to do is pass a test and that's pretty much it. "Better than school!" Niall, Zayn, and Liam cheered in unison, making Harry laugh and Louis to giggle. Harry looks down at Louis and he places his hands on Louis's hips. "Thank you babe," Harry told him and Louis smiled happily before saying, "No problem Hazzy." Harry smiled and said "You are so cute." "And you are so hot." Harry just grinned before the two of them leaned in and shared a sweet and slow kiss.

Click. That sound was all that it took for the couple to pull apart. Everyone turned their heads to see Niall witch his phone out. Niall looked at them and shrugged, "Need something for my Larry ship too." Even though the two of them blushed, they still laughed along with their friends. The group of friends were just happy to be able to be living this new life. Harry and Louis were extremely happy since they were finally together. All of them have this new adventure in their lives and they just cannot wait to start living it!

Welcome to your new lives boys...
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Love you all!


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