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Right when Robert and his ugly men walk out, I looked right at Harry to see him trying get out of his chains. He was struggling at first and I watched as he twist and turned before he looked own and stopped moving. Is he giving up? That fucking easily? That doesn't sound like something that he would do, so I know that he has something else planned.

I watched him take a deep breath and he yanked his left hand harshly and what I meant by that is that he made the chains look like some type of sring, because they immediately broke apart just like a piece of string. He lifted it and he did frown at the now bleeding wrist. Hell take care of it later though. He stood up and rushed to Marks aid to get him free. It may have taken him a couple of minutes, but he was still able to get my step-dad free and out of his restrictions.

They worked together to get everyone else free, and Harry walked up to me first. "You did study right?" He asked me and I tilted my head. "The languages, did you study the languages?" He asked and I slowly nodded my head. "Okay, tvoje sestry jsou v pořádku. Jsou v suterénu zpět u zámku. Stejně tak Zaynina sestra." (Your sisters are okay. They are in the basement back at the mansion. So is Zayn's sister.) "Oh thank god..." I sighed with relief before I was finally freed from my chains.

Everyone was freed except for Desmond. Harry looked at Des and he looked at Mark. "Mark, start getting everyone out, and get them out fast. We only have two minutes before the bomb goes off. I promised everyone that you guys will get out alive and that promise will be kept." And with that, Harry walked over to the chair that Des was tied up in and he started to work on the bomb.

The only thought that was running through my head was the the thought of Harry dying in here and I was so close to breaking down at the thought of being the one to see Harry's burned and dead body in front of me. I saw him looking closely at the bomb and I could tell that he was trying to solve everything out in his head. Like how to disconnect it and how to diffuse it. He is a smart boy, so I wouldn't be shocked if he did figure it out.

I didn't move though. There was something stubborn in me. There was something in me that didn't want me to move. It wanted me to stay and stick with Harry. Like as if it was saying 'You are a ride or due, and if that boy is about to die then...see you soon Lord,' and I 100% agreed with that part of me. I've cried just because of the fact that we are apart. I love the boy for fuck sake.

Both Mark and Jeffrey began to get everyone out. When it came down to only Me, Liam, Harry, Des, and Mark in the room I said, "I'm not going anywhere without you Harry, I'm staying right here and you can't change my mind. Harry looked away from the bomb and looked at me and I saw his eyes soften when we locked eyes. "Love, please go. I promised your sisters that you would come back. They need a big brother you know..." "I'm not leaving you Harry!" I declared this time and I heard him sigh.

"I'm going to be okay Louis, but you have to go," Harry said. I was already breaking at this point. The tears were set free and they were freely running down my face. You may call me being stubborn and stupid for wanting to stick around, but try and say that same thing when you have to face something like I am right now. I am probably about to see the boy who I love most...die. I am probably going to see him dead in a few minutes. "Let's go Louis. Harry is going to be okay." Liam said, stepping into this mess. I just said, "No."

"Louis please for the life of me and your sisters. Please just go!" Harry shouted this time and when he looked at me, he gave me a reassuring look. Like as if he was telling me that he was going to make it, but he wants me to be okay first, but with only his eyes. I took a shaky breath before I allowed Liam to take my hand and rush me out of the building. I cannot tell you how many times that I looked back. How many times I said Harry's name in my head, hoping and praying that he will walk out with that gorgeous smile on his face. How many times that I prayed to god that he was going to be okay and so was everything else. How everything was going to go back to normal once we get out of this mess.

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