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It was January the 2nd and we were all having a pretty relaxing day until Harry's phone went phone and I cannot tell you how much I wanted to just take it and smash it into small little pieces. Because of course it was his job calling him. It was Mark actually. Harry looked at his phone and stood up, walking to the other side of the room to make his conversation a bit more private. Which did fail since you can never be private when we are around. We tend to meddle of we have nothing to do.

I looked at Harry and listened to him speak. "Hey mate...What?...But which one?...The little one?...But that kid...Alright, I'll be there soon," He told Mark before he hung up and he immediately rushed up the stairs to get ready. I looked over to Zayn to see him just as worried as I was. What if Harry was talking about one of my little sisters?

What if he was talking about Daisy? Phoebe? Lots? FeFe? Charlotte? Any of them. What if they're in danger and I'm not there to save them or protect them? What is going on? I stood up and started to walk to the front, knowing that Harry was just going to walk out and not say shit to us. Plus, Our sisters go to the same school, so we don't know who Harry was just talking about.

We waited for a couple of minutes before Harry was walking down the stairs in a suited up police outfit and he was darting right to the front door, but he was stopped once Zayn grabbed his hand. "Tell me what happened to my sister, Saafa," Zayn said in a demanding tone and Harry tilted his head to the side. "Are my sisters okay?" I asked him and he looked at the two of us before he nodded his head. "Of course, they're safe and they're okay. Just stay here and I'll be back to explain everything to you, okay?" Harry asked, reassuringly and I was a bit hesitant to reply to him.

However, it was like as if he didn't want us to respond back to him because he just rushed out of the door without saying anything else. Zayn huffed, crossed his arms and said, "I don't know why, but I really didn't believe a single thing that he just said. Something is going on and he's not telling us about it. I need to see my sister and see if he's telling us the truth or not."

"Calm down Z. I'm sure that Harry knows what he's doing. He's the undercover cop after all." "Yeah, I know that babe, but I can't necessarily calm down when I don't know if my sister is actually okay or not. That is just the big brother in me," Zayn retorted. "I think Zayn's right. There is something that Harry just isn't telling us and I'm not going to wait till he comes back to tell me what the fuck happened." I agreed.

"Let's follow him then," Niall suggested and I was all for it, knowing that I was going to get scolded about it later. The safety of my little sisters mean a lot more to me, so I think that the scolding will be worth it. "But he told us to stay put...." Liam said, but we the three of us were too busy piling into Zayn's car to even listen. I heard his feet rushing to us and he sighed, "Don't like being alone in there...but I still think that this is a bad idea," He told us before he got into the car.

"Everyone hurry up and buckle in, I'm about to loose sight of Harry's car," Zayn told us and we did as told. "Just drive mate," I said and Zayn floored it, and I mean that he literally slammed his foot right on the gas petal, speeding up to still be able to see Harry's car, but he made sure to stay at least a few cars away from him.

I swear on my life that if Harry's lying to me, then we are not going to be best friends anymore, and I might just kick his ass...if he let's me do so... We soon reached the scene and what I saw was pretty horrifying. I mean that if this was in some kind of horror movie, then I would've definitely lost my marbles and get the fuck away from here.

There was a man and he was holding some kid. When Zayn stopped the car, we immediately hopped out and rushed to see what was going on. The man had the child on the edge of the terrace and he was threatening the cops. Harry was in the background, getting a little information from his workers before he spots me and I can see that he was already getting pissed.

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