24 (Short)

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Christmas morning soon came around and the ladies (plus Harry) were in the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone. In this time, Harry showed the moms the things that he learned on his own and the moms were definitely impressed with the meals that Harry could make and they even gave him a few more ideas on what he could do in order to improve his cooking and baking skills. Although, they even know that Harry doesn't need all that much to improve on since his skills in the kitchen were pretty impressive.

Harry was honestly very happy because it had been years since he has ever tried a meal that was made by a mother of some sort. Whenever the mothers would be finished making something, Harry would try it and give them a thumbs up in approval. By the end of the cooking session, Jay was practically spoon feeding Harry. Harry didn't mind of course.

He had a smile on his face as he took each bite and thanked Jay after every spoonful that she would give to him. The boys looked in from the island and they smiled at the sight. Louis was cooing while the others were just smiling. His heart was only getting more and more warn by the minute. "How come I never get this type of treatment?" Mark asked and Harry chuckled before he just innocently shrugged.

"What can I say? I am quite the looker," Harry told him and Mark chuckled while he just shook his head and walked to the living area. The breakfast was soon finished and now, they were all sitting in the living area, exchanging gifts. They all either laughed or smiled as they opened each present. Just loving this time of the year. Harry more than everyone else.

He just feels as if he finally has that family that he truly needed in his life. The one that would worry if he was in danger. The type that would come over unannounced just because they wanted to see him. The type that would always be by his side when danger comes around. The fact that they are still here even though they know Harry's secret life is amazing. Harry just feels like a new person because of this. He feels like as if he can trust them all with anything. Like as if there was nothing in this world that would make them turn away from him and just walk away.

He feels the love and the strong bond with them and he's so fucking happy about it. I can't blame him either. Everyone knows about Harry's past and they just know that Harry needs this more than anything else. Louis knows that the lad needs love in his life, and he's willing to give it all to him.

As the day went on, Louis and Harry were in the garden patch, reliving the memories that they both shared when they were at a young age. "Remember when I told you that I made a new friend and you broke into tears?" Harry asked him and Louis chuckled. "Yeah...little Louis was still the jealous type," Louis responded and Harry laughed. "But you never asked who it was! I was going to tell you that I became good friends with a lady bug!" "Oh my god, really?!?"

"I was bullied at a young age Lou. You were the only friend that I had back then. The lady bugs name was Lou for fuck sake," Harry told his friend and the two of them shared a bug laugh at the memory of that time. "Remember when I gave you a cupcake and just went to talk to my mum for like 5 seconds, a s when I came back, you were crying?" "Oh my god...that was the first time that you've seen purely innocent Harry. I remember crying because I ate it."

"Yeah, and when I told you that the cupcake was for you, you just fell to the ground." "Hey! Feeling guilty is pretty exhausting! The anticipation would've ended me if you never said anything." Harry said and the two of them laughed even more. "Then there was the time where I was taking a photo and I was crying because they wouldn't let me hold my teddy," Harry mentioned and Louis cooed, "I actually crawled up to you to stay out of frame and hold your hand. That was the most cutest point that I've ever seen you." Louis said and Harry blushed.

"It's not my fault that I needed to feel a bit more protected in some other way," Harry said with a pout and that only made Louis coo eve more before the two of them continued to rekindle the memories of their past life. Throughout their entire walk, Harry wanted to say those three magical words to Louis and just kiss the small lad. He wanted to make the small one his and his only. He wanted Louis, but with the feat of breaking Louis just because of the life that he's living right now is making it hard for him to confess to his crush. He just has that stupid fear of him dying and Louis having the worst life that could ever exist.

When the evening came around, everyone was in the living room, listening to the dads tell some of Harry's brave stories while having his type of job. "There was this time where Harry and I had a murder case and we were right at the criminals door and Harry just knocked while saying, 'Hey, I know that this is a really bad topic to talk about, but why in hell is there a named statue of a Nome in your yard?' The guy then stepped because he didn't know what Harry was talking about and Harry just pulled his gun out and fired."

"So there was no naked Nome?" Niall asked and Jeffrey laughed before he should his head, "There was a naked female, but there was no Nome, no," He then told Niall, who understood. "Then there was this case where all Harry did was give the guy a bottle of water. In only 5 minutes, the guy became more hostile and his and his actions were just as written in the folder, so we arrested.

Harry's head was just laying in Jays lap and Jay was running her fingers through Harry's head, which made the tall lad relax a bit more than he was beforehand. After a long story-time m, they all went to the dunning room to eat their dinner and enjoy the rest of their Christmas with one another. Night time soon rolled in which meant tat the families had to go home. Which only left the boys in their beds, fast asleep.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!
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