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A month has gone by and I've got to say that our training have improved. We've got the skill of handling with guns and doing hand-to-hand combat. However, I've got to say that we will never top Harry. I could stand the longest though! 1 minute and 45 seconds actually! Niall held the shortest at 1 minute and 1 minute and 10 seconds. Liam and Zayn were both tied at 1 minute and 30 seconds.

The reason as to how I was able to hold off for so long is because as a child, Harry and I used to play fight quite a lot, so I just queued in my inner child and tried my best. He still neat me of course. The boy even came close to dislocate my arm right of my socket before I called the safe word which was 'quit'. I personally ally don't want to top Harry. Him being stronger than me is actually pretty hot to me. I don't know if it's because of my strong kink for that or not, but I just love it.

Harry was in the ring right now actually, and he was fighting Niall, just to train and the two of them have been fighting for about a minute and when Harry put Niall in the position of possible loosing lims, he shouted "Quit!" Harry smiled and released Niall. He looked at his watch and hummed. "You've beaten Liam and Zayn by 5 seconds. 1 minute and 35 seconds, good job there mate," Harry told him and Niall brightened. "What is Louis's score again?" Niall then asked and Harry looked at me before he quickly looked at the board.

"Louis held the longest at 1 minute and 45 seconds. Wanna try to make it to two minutes Lou?" Harry asked me and I only shrugged before I got in the ring with him. "Alright...and go," Harry told me and the two of us fought. Not even at 2 minutes and 30, and I shouted, "Quit!" Harry stopped and smiled down at me. "Did he do it?" Niall asked, in the hopes that I didn't reach that goal.

Harry looked at his watch and smiled, "2 minutes on the dot," He said and I was actually pretty shocked. "Are you trying to be stronger than me, hero?" "No, just learned a few ways as to how I can avoid some of your moves." "Ah, so you were actually following my advice?" Harry wondered and I smiled before nodding my head. "Well I can see that you'll do well in an ordinary fight. Fighting for as long as any of you have done can get you pretty far if you know it or not." Harry told us before he hoped out of the ring while I just rolled out.

"Alright, that'll be a-" "Harry! Harry! Where are you?!?" A man shouted as we heard feet running around the house. Harry looked at us before he walked out if the room with us following close. We only took a few steps before we heard another shout. "Harry! Where are you?!" "Right here Jeff," Harry said in a loud tone. The man spun before he rushed up to where Harry was standing.

"Harry! We need your help for a case. You need to help us." "Well what happened exactly?" Harry asked. "There's a serial killer out there. He or she have killed 5 people so far. All in the exact same way! Also get this, we got a message this morning, saying that another murder have been committed the same way as the others." Jeffery told him.

"Alright, I will get prepared and we will then take our leave," Harry told him, but I poked his shoulder. Harry looked down at me and I tilted my head a little, "May we come along?" I asked and he shook his head before saying a flat 'No'. "Oh come on sun, it will be a good experience for us and it'll help us get better," I told him. "The boys got a point Harry. Let the boys come," Jeffrey said and I smiled up at Harry.

He looked at him before he looked at me. We locked eyes before he sighed "Alright, but you need to be prepared for anything, and I mean ANYTHING! If a fight breaks out, then you have to be ready to defend yourself. Okay?" "Of course!" I exclaimed before I gave Harry a quick hug and we went to out own rooms to get ready.

"Pile into your cars when you're done! Mine will be at the gate when you come out! By the way, to get into the mansion, the pass code is in your phones!" Harry told us and I was confused. Until I opened my phone and find a bunch of letters and numbers: 29gpkd3810. I made sure to remember it before I started to get myself ready. Took a fast shower before I threw on a black t-shirt, black jeans, and black Adidas shoes.

Closed Book (Larry Stylinson)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant