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Lunch soon came around and I was actually the first in line which was pretty shocking in my opinion. I looked through the line and just picked out a salad since the other food did not look anywhere close to appetizing. When I paid with cash, I walked into the loud space that is named the cafeteria.

Let me tell you this right now...if you think that this is a good place to study, then you might want to rethink and turn right around and go right to the library. God, this place sucks, and what sucks even more is that I have to pretend to be a student here.

I looked around the room before I saw a good friend with blonde hair, waving at me. Niall. I smiled and started to make my way over there. "Hey lads, is there someone who was also supposed to be sitting here?" I asked them before I sat next to Niall. "Yeah...Louis, but he's too busy being oblivious to the #1 bitch, Eleawhore." Zayn told me before he took a bite of his food and looked at it with disgust.

"I'll be sure to get some Nandos before I arrive to school tomorrow if that helps," I offered and I felt two arms immediately wrap around me. "Guys! He's learning fast!" Niall cheered and I laughed. "Niall is a really big fan of Nandos," Liam told me and I nodded, "I'll try to remember that." I responded.

"Hi handsome," a voice spoke and I looked up to see a girl with blonde hair standing in front of me. "The name is Taylor and I was thinking that you maybe would want to join me at my table instead of being with these weirdos." She told me and I looked at my newly made friends and I looked back and the fake bi- girl.

"Hi darling, I'm sorry to be rude, but I think that I would want to be with the so called 'weirdos' than with people who obviously have no life what so ever." I told her and I heard Niall snicker. "What are you gay or something?!?" She asked with disgust written on her face and I rolled my eyes. "Don't judge a book by its cover. Just because I look straight, doesn't necessarily mean that I am." Is all that I said.

"Ew! Stay away-" "But you're the one who approached me? And to be fair I'm disliking your presence by every second that your standing here." I told her, cutting her off. She scowled before she just walked away.

"Oh my god, that was priceless!" Niall laughed and I chuckled and notices my two other friends looking at me with a proud look on their faces. We chatted for a bit more before two girls walked up to our table. "Hey Harry, we saw what you just did and we thought that you were great! I'm Perrie and this girl is Jade." Perrie told me with a smile.

"Well hello darlings~" I said before I winked. Jade giggled before saying, "We are in a relationship already Harry." "Oh great! There are too many relationships at this table and it's making me feel so alone..." I joked and they all chuckled. "God you're so extra," Zayn said and I laughed. We continued to talk before I heard the most annoying voice ever once again.

"That's him Lou, that's the one who was being mean to me," Eleawhore I'm guessing said while pointing at me. I looked at her and grinned a mocking grin. "Hello princess and..." I looked at the guy right next to her. "Prince Charming~" and my grin died down to a smirk.

The guy glared at me before he walked up and grabbed my collar, making me stand. "Listen, I don't know who the fuck you are, but you leave my girl alone, got it." He tried to threaten me. Key word: Tried. I just smiled, "Oh of course prince, I will treat your princess like and goddess, cross my heart and hope to die," I said with so much sarcasm. The boys atndndnd girls at the table laughed.

"However, there is one thing that you should know about me," I said and he glared even harder at me. I then grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and lifted him off of the ground and slammed him on the table. "You don't scare me." I said with a toothy grin as he and everyone else looked at me, shocked.

Closed Book (Larry Stylinson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя