Oh Gabriella, only if you knew. I don't don't like it. I have great hatred for it!

"That's what you said last night. I asked you what it was and you were silent. What is that Dré?"

"I will never tell you." I glared at her.

"Yes you will because you trust me. It will take time for it to be revealed but I will give you time."

"I will never reveal it. And stop day dreaming that you're special."

"Yes I am, you said so yourself." She moved closer to me. "I know the only reason you don't want to be my boyfriend is because you're scared of hurting me, but most of all is because you're getting scared of getting hurt by me. But you shouldn't be. You don't have to get scared or get insecure. Like I said that night, we'll take baby steps. Poco a poco."

I angrily pinned her to the wall. "Stop this display of stupidity and nonsense." I warned her.

"It's not. Whether you like it or not, you're my half boyfriend."

"You will never be in my heart, if that's your plan. I hate you, I hate you so much. You're nothing but a bitch. A spoilt one for that matter. I don't want you and I can never want you. So get out of here. You're just embarrassing yourself. And by the way, you're not my type. So leave me alone for Heaven's sake!"

"I don't believe you." She grinned at me. "No matter how many hurtful things you say to me right now, I won't get hurt 'cause I know it's not coming from your heart."

I was breathing heavily as my chest went up and down in a very serious manner.

Damn this girl!



"How are you?" I asked him when we sat on our table.

Thank God he came!

I lost hope after waiting thirty seven minutes here in this café for him.

"Fine." He murmured without looking at me but on that his stupid phone!


Sometimes I wondered who was his half girlfriend, me or that digitized bitch?!

I wish I could snatch that phone from him and throw it to the wall, making it smash and the screen shatter into pieces.


But I know I can't do that. André would have my head.

He sometimes acted like those rich and arrogant businessmen on Wattpad. Always making calls and sounding all business-ish.

"So what will you like to—" I wanted to talk but got interrupted by his stupid phone. Again!

Even our drive here in the car was filled with calls.

He held his finger up to stop me from talking. "Hello? Good morning Mr. Pearson, how's Maldives?..........Wonderful!" He smiled and chuckled. "..........Rest assure, the equipments for the new project will be arriving from Abu Dhabi into America next Thursday and we'll start the next Monday.....yes......He's out of the country but he will be back from Southern Africa on Sunday......" He laughed richly. "Yes sir, just four more years and I'm in control....."


After some minutes, he cut the call.

Thank God!

"As I was s—"



THE NEW GIRLحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن