"Alright, well good luck with your thing," she said brightly. "I'll see you later. Drive me home?"

"Of course." He smiled. He leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before sliding off the bench and strolling out the hall, his gaggle of rugby players following behind.

Alice sighed, attempting to keep her expression neutral as she stabbed at her food. She no longer felt like eating.

"What was that about?"

Alice spun to see Emily, climbing onto the bench beside her, her own plate mostly finished as she placed it in front of her.

"Oh." Alice's lips morphed into a forced smile. "Nothing, just some team practice or something."


"Yeah..." Alice stabbed at her plate and popped some vegetables into her mouth. She chewed slowly, trying to stamp her nausea down as she swallowed.

Emily continued to watch her with her brow quirked in curiosity. She poked food around on her plate, humming quietly, as if building up towards something. "I haven't seen you and Theo hanging out as much as usual, lately."

Alice frowned. That was the last thing she wanted to hear. Had it been that obvious? She glanced around the dining hall, at the younger students laughing, some of them looking her way. Were they laughing at her?

No. Those messages were getting to her. She was being paranoid for no reason. She stabbed at her food, forcing her voice to sound nonchalant. "Oh, yeah. We've been busy lately, but I mean, we hung out the other night."

Emily stared at her and she fought the urge to stare back. "Are you sure you guys are okay? I mean, don't get me wrong. You're super cute together, it's just... you deserve the best, Alice. And, you know, you've been so busy with school and your family stuff lately, do you have time for Theo?"

Alice's fork stilled and she turned to her friend. Emily smiled gently, moving to rest her hand over Alice's fingers. She wanted to shrink away from them.

Emily meant the best. She knew Alice better than anyone, and yet it always felt like a disappointment when someone saw through her mask.

She wasn't putting on a good enough performance. All that training. All that effort. And still, Emily could see through it without even trying. She supposed that was why they were best friends.

"I'm fine, really," Alice said finally. She smiled, her Travers smile, in hopes of convincing her. "I'm used to it."

"Of course." Emily laughed. "I mean, you're a Travers, aren't you?"

Alice's smile faltered and she turned back to her food. "Exactly."

"Well, in that case," Emily said, shifting on the bench to turn her body towards her. She lowered her voice conspiratorially. "Has Theo used the g-word yet?"

Alice blinked. "The g-word?"

"Girlfriend," Emily said, pointedly.

Alice pursed her lips, staring at her plate. "Emily, we're just hanging out. It's nothing serious."

"It seems pretty serious. He's been driving you to and from school for the past few weeks. You've taken him to dinners and parties. I mean, he's met your parents!"

"And," Alice said, swallowing a spoonful of mash. She waved the cleaned spoon in the air to drive her point home. "It means nothing. Half the school have met my parents and attended our dinners. It doesn't mean anything special."

"Half the school hasn't attended as your special guest," Emily retorted.

"Alright, special guest is pushing it, a little." Alice lifted a brow and Emily sighed, unconvinced, and stabbed at her own plate.

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