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This story is going to be dark an will contain abuse, curse and some dark scenes. I'll try to put trigger though.

I'm just writing this for fun. The chapters will be short. So enjoy.

Happy reading


"Arthit are you ready for today?"

Miss Lizzy asked me as she helped me pack what little things that I have aquired over the years from all of the families that I have had.

"Yeah I guess, I'm just nervous about meeting this new person who will become my father."

I told her as we both walked towards the door of the orphanage.

"Well I suppose that I should tell you that you will be staying with Mr Suthiluk from now on. I love you like my own child but I don't want to see you back here unless it's to adopt a child and that better happen when you're much older. Now be good and don't screw this up Arthit."

Miss Lizzy told me as she shoved me into the car and slammed the door shut before I could even tell her goodbye.

It took about three hours to get us to my new father's house. When we finally arrived my jaw dropped in complete and utter awe at seeing the beautiful mansion sitting in front of me. The driver finally stopped the car and got my things out of the trunk before leading me into the beautiful mansion that was to become my new home.

"This is the head maid and she will be the one to show you around the home and getting you set up in your room before you are to meet with Mr Suthiluk"

The driver told me as he set my bag down and walked back out of the door.

"Come on you stupid brat, I don't have all day to wait on you!"

The head maid yelled at me as she snatched my bag up and stalked away. As we went through the halls I made sure to memorize everything that we passed because I was sure that the head maid won't waste anytime showing me around.

Once we got to my new room the maid shoved me in and locked the door. I could hear her footsteps growing fainter as she retreated down the hall. The room I have been given is litteraly nothing short of a medium sized closet. There is only enough room for a small cot and a couple of crates that I guess are supposed to pass for a dresser. I thought that I would at least be given a decent sized room seeing as how Mr Suthiluk was the one that adopted me.

Hell! I don't even know why I thought that he would be different from all of the other families and actually want to be my father. He probably just adopted me so that he would look good in front of other people.

After a while passed the maid unlocked the door and told me that Mr Suthiluk would like to speak to me now. I swear as she was talking, the only thing I could think of doing was of wringing the maids ugly little neck. I would never hit a girl but that maid, I swear is a freaking guy dressed as a woman.

I closed my eyes for a second and take a deep breath because I know I will snap at that woman maid thing if I don't. The maid led me to a room that looked like an office and told me to wait there until Mr Suthiluk got back.

So here I am once again waiting on Mr Suthiluk to appear, he knew that I was coming here today so he should of at least have the decency to make time to meet his new child. After about five or six minutes the door opened and in walked the hottest man I had ever laid eyes on. This man looked like a freaking god.

"Hello you must be Arthit, I am Kongpob Suthiluk but you will call me daddy from now on is that understood?"

The man said and I nearly creamed my pants from this mans voice. And after a minute what he said it finally hit me, this god of a man standing before me was THE Mr SUTHILUK as in the one that was supposed to be my new father!


Who hates the maid already? 🙄

What do you guys think about our Mr Suthiluk? 😏

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