Lucky Ones

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"Avery, I, Liam Dryden, am hereby giving you my heart," he declared, grinning.

It was 6 o' clock and Liam and I were lounging on the couch watching Harry Potter. You know how they have that Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC Family? Well, we were watching it, me with my head on his chest, half dead. I had his necklace on, feeling its weight against my neck. It reminded me just how lucky I was to have my life. Sure, things could get crappy, but I had a family, and at least...what was it now, four  whole friends (!), and someone who loved me for me.

"Christmas makes me tired," I said, yawning. He snorted at me, but tore his eyes from the television screen to look me in the eyes.

"You make me tired," he replied, his face completely serious. I wrinkled my nose at him.

"It's really seriously not my fault my awesomeness wears you out."

"Don't flatter yourself, love," he joked back.

"Eh. I'm just more modest than you, too," I said, returning my gaze to Harry Potter. I guess I really can't be quiet for more than two minutes, because I soon said "I wanna go outside." Liam stared at me like I was completely and utterly mad. Which I suppose I am... "Pwease?" I asked, staring up at him with wide eyes.

"Fine..." he said, acting like he didn't wanna go, but I could see his eyes sparkling. I bounced up, pulling on my sneakers and a coat. Liam did the same, and I grabbed a hat on the way out the door. We bolted into the night, running for the park. Snow was falling lightly, but it was hardly noticeable. I beat him to the park, sliding on the icy sidewalk. As I skated into the entrance, I fell straight on my butt. Liam came up behind me, laughing his guts out.

"Not funny!" I protested as I held my hand out to him so he could pull me up. Instead he kept walking farther into the park. "You did not," I yelled, sliding up and running after him, slipping about, looking for revenge. As I came up behind him I slowed down, sneaking after him silently. When I was just inches from him, I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pushing him into the snowy ground. "I win," I whispered into his ear.

"Not quite," he shot back, putting his arms around my waist and rolling over so he had me pinned to the ground. There was snow in his hair and his face was red from the cold, as I was sure mine would be.

"Heeeeeyyy!" I whined. I always got to win. I stuck my lower lip out, pouting. "You're not my friend anymore," I said.

"Oh no! How awful!" he said sarcastically. He planted a quick, gentle kiss on my mouth, leaving my lips tingling, before rolling over so he was lying next to me. I gazed up at the sky, admiring the stars.

"They're so gorgeous," I murmured.

"Yes, they are," he muttered back, but when I turned to look over at him he was looking at me, a small smile on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him, but I could feel my face heating up.

"We should probably go back," I whispered after a few more peaceful minutes.

"Yeah," he agreed. We pulled ourselves up and sludged back to the flat. Except when we got there, we realized neither of us had brought a key.

"This is...This is."

"Yes, yes it is," I agreed. "Both of us geniuses, neither of us smart enough to bring a key."

"Well...We could sleep in the car?" Liam suggested.

"Oh, how appealing," I replied, giving him a withering look. "And nothing's gonna be open this late on CHRISTMAS," I sighed. I plopped down on the freezing steps, my breath making fog in the air. Then something occured to me. "WAIT! OH MY HOLY FREAKING SOCKS!" I yelled, distrupting the entire neighborhood, probably.

"What?!" Liam shouted back.

"You didn't lock the window, right?!"

I carefully balanced my iPhone on the window ledge, standing on my tiptoes, making sure the flashlight app was really making flashlight. I fell back onto my flat feet, stretching my arms up.

"Ready?" Liam asked.

"Yeah...Just hope I can fit through the damn thing," I said, boosting myself onto his hands. His arms shook a little as he lifted me above his hands to stand on his shoulders. I reached the window latch and pulled the sash or whatever you call it up. It was a bit sticky though, and only went up an inch or so. 

"Shoooooot!" I groaned as I pushed the sash up harder. Suddenly, the window flew up and I flew onto the ground.

"You okay?" Liam asked, rushing over to me.

"Fine. Fine," I said. "As long as the window is open," I slurred, pulling myself up, feeling a tad dizzy.

"But. Avery, you've got a cut on your forehead," Liam exclaimed, pushing his sweater sleeve against my head, the fabric bloody.

"Fine!" I confirmed, walking over to the window. "Gimme a boost up," I continued. He let me climb onto his shoulder again, and I punched the screen out, carefully hauling myself through it, tumbling onto the recliner below. I woozily stood up on it, sticking my torso out to help Liam up.

"Thanks," he exhaled as he climbed through. "Now we should get your head cleaned up."

I let him lead me to the bathroom, where he sat me on the edge of the tub. He cautiously dabbed at my wound with a damp cloth.

"Where are the bandaides?" he asked when he was satisfied.

"Bottom drawer," I murmured.

"Why am I not surprised they're Spiderman bandaides?" he chuckled, putting some antibiotic on one and sticking it to my head.

"Because I'm awesome," I whispered, taking his offered hand. He walked my over to my room, where I collapsed onto the bed. He pulled the covers over me, smiling. "Sleep well, love," he whispered, kissing me lightly on the head and flicking the lights out.

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