Accidentally in Love

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Hi. Before you start with the "ROBIN YOU STUPID-ASS IDIOT BLOODY SOCK!", I CAN EXPLAIN. School started and stuff happened and jazz band and theater and Latin class. Latin class. Blame Latin. Also, I kinda forgot I was writing this. And then I checked our email and was like "WOAH. TELEKINESIS. SHOOT." So here it is. Stupidly short chapter. Enjoy! xD

Still Avery's POV

Then my phone buzzed. I checked it to find that Liam was texting me. I unlocked it and read the text before exhaling loudly. Should I say yes?

Are you going away for holiday? If not, can I come over? I need  a friend.

I stared at the screen. Hell. Why not? I mean, besides the obvious reason that he had a girl friend and that I was maybe kinda starting to fancy him...Whatever. I had nothing else to do with my life.

Nope. Decided to stay here. And yeah, sure. Come on over and we'll watch Dr. Who and talk.

I went back to my writing and continued to sing as I waited for a response, but none came. Sligthly wounded that he would ask to come over and then not respond, I decided to go for a walk. I do love taking walks, in case you hadn't noticed. Especially in the chilly dark. I wandered to the park, where I lay down in the grass and stared up at the stars. A few snowflakes tumbled from the sky, but I couldn't feel that happy spark they usually bring.

I felt like I was losing a friend because they couldn't realize what they were letting slip away.

Two days later I was baking cookies even though I wouldn't eat them. My laptop was plonked on the island, webcam facing me, as my best friend Sarah was video-chatting me while I rolled out dough and jammed metal cookie cutters into it. Our video chats always end up with us singing some stupid songs while we multi task. So that's what we were doing when my phone rang. There was flour all over my hands, so I chose to ignore it.

"Wait, you gonna answer that?" Sarah asked through the music blasting.

"Fine," I grumbled, wiping flour on my jeans. I woke up my phone and rolled my eyes. "SARAH, IT'S LIAM," I whined.

"Then I don't know what to tell you."

 "RAWR," I yelled, which is something Sarah and I have been doing for years. We just rawr whenever we're irritated, or just like, feeling 'rawr', you know? Then, on the last ring, I slid the green phone symbol across the screen, Sarah smiling knowingly.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled at her. It went through the phone, too, as the person on the other end replied, baffled.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh...Chello?" I asked into the phone, not wanting to explain. I'd just ignore it and it would go away, right?

"Hi..." the familiar voice said guiltily. There. It worked. He didn't ask...But then what was he calling about?!

"Oh. Yo, Liam," I replied, rolling my eyes. The man had ignored me for two whole days after asking to hang out. And I don't go away when you ignore me. "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry about the other day, I wasn't feeling-"

I cut him off. "Oh, stuff it. Moving on." I waved my hand even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay, well...I was wondering if the offer is still open?" he asked, referring to our earlier social plans.  I heard him sniff, which was a bit weird. I didn't think he'd be that sad about ditching me...Guess I'm cooler than I thought I was.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Come over whenever you like."

"Actually, I'm already at your door," he said sheepishly.

"Now that isn't creepy or anything," I said sarcastically. "Hold on," I spouted before hanging up. I ran over to the door, waving to Sarah as I went and flung it open. There stood a disheveled Liam who had alarmingly blood shot eyes. He looked like he had slept in his clothes, and his hair was even messier than usual.  "I'll put the kettle on. And there's gingerbread on the table,"  I said, shutting the door behind him and rushing to jam the kettle on the stove, and the cookie dough in the fridge.

Liam and I sat on the couch in the living room with two cups of tea and a plate of fresh ginger bread cookies as snow fell lightly outside. Liam watched it through the window with a vacant expression.

"Liam? Love?"  I asked, throwing in the 'love' in a hope to get a reaction. He turned toward me, staring at my hands, which were folded in my lap. "You came here to talk, and I'd like to listen," I continued,  just kind of babbling to fill in the silence.

"She...She..." Liam sniffed again before finally getting out  "She broke up with me!"

My eyes widened with understanding. So that's why he wanted to talk. He was heart broken. I felt a small sliver of hope, as well as a tang of compassion. I had no idea how he really felt, as I had never really dated anyone before. I felt vaguely awkward. I wasn't sure what to do to help.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. At that moment, all I wanted to do was make him less sad. There were tears rolling down his face now-I could feel them on my shoulder, where Liam's head rested. I hesitantly ran my hand through his awesome hair, slightly jealous, and also not sure what to do with myself. After a few minutes of silence on my part and weeping on his I made up my mind. "Liam Dryden, we are seeing a film!"

It took me a bit to clean up Liam. He was crying a fair amount-understandably so-and it meant that he had to gather himself before we could go out in public. I made him wash his face, too. When we were both presentable, I thought to pull out the paper for show times.

"We're going to see..." I trailed off, looking for one that was showing soon. "WE ARE SEEING LES MIS!" I shouted, grabbing my messenger bag and taking Liam by the hand. I knew he was sad, but come on. We had a film to see.

The theater was empty, which kind of made sense. It was nearly Christmas, and most people were traveling or doing things with their family.  Liam and I sat in the back of the nearly abandoned theater with way too much popcorn to be necessary.

"Thanks," Liam said as I made fun of ads. Whenever the other person with me is silent and I know it's because they're sad, I just spout out everything that comes to mind. It's like the filter between my brain and my mouth just dissolves.

"Oh yeah. Any time," I replied, throwing a piece of popcorn at him.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, pelting a handful back at me. We ended up getting popcorn all over the floor and surrounding seats, but it wasn't like we were bothering anyone...

On our walk back to my flat we were discussing holiday plans.

"I was supposed to go to her family's for Christmas..." Liam stated. I nodded, sympathetic. I had nowhere to go as well.

"Yeah...Abby went to her family's, but I didn't want to have to fly back to America," I replied. For more than one reason. The long flight and the thing. "OH GODDAMNIT!" I suddenly shouted. Thinking about it had brought up the fact that in two days it'd be the anniversary. Liam's eyes watched me, confused.

"What?!" he asked, alarmed.

"Oh, nothing," I said, calming myself down. I would deal with it like always.

"You can tell me..." Liam insisted.

"I'd rather not. Now, how about you come to the flat for Christmas Eve and Christmas?" I asked. I was going out on a limb here, but now was as good a time as ever to be spontaneous. Anyway, it could help keep me distracted. I glanced at Liam, whose face had lit up.

"Uhhh...DUH," he replied. I fist pumped.

"This week...This week is gonna be freaking AWESOME."

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