Every Day You Wanna Waste

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So, this chapter is also gonna be in Abby's POV. :) We'll see how it goes. If the style/manner of the character seems off it's because Abby is a bit more...normal than Avery.

Also would like to say that I had a really hard time finding a song to fit this chapter. Still not happy with it. It kinda fits the Abby bit, but not the Avery bit. And everything was either too lovey for right now or too unrelated. GAH. Any suggestions?

I also have to add that this week that Charlie made his relationship public. So I have to mention that I feel quite weird including him in this mess...So, as a disclaimer I'd like to say:

I support Charlie's relationship. I think it's great that he's happy. My intention for writing this is purely for the enjoyement of others, and so that I have something to do with myself when I'm bored. I hope that no one is offended or bothered by this. This plot line is completely fictional, and my aim is simply to weave some fictional world in which Liam and Charlie could end up with two random girls. That being said, let us continue.

Abby's POV

I woke up earlier than normal, just itching for something to do. I showered quickly. Wrapped in my towel I searched my closet for something to wear. I finally settled for a simple hoodie and tank top with jeans and boots. {Outfit external link}   I wandered into the kitchen and opened every cupboard before sticking my tongue out in a childish manner. I didn't want any of this stupid food for breakfast. At that point a very attractive Charlie wandered into the kitchen. His hair was messy and he was in his pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"Good morning!" I said cheerily. Then I had a great idea. Yes, I do get great ideas sometimes. It's not always Avery. "Wanna get breakfast with me?"

Charlie stretched before answering. "Sure. Let me get dressed first, though."

I laughed, stopping abruptly. "No." He looked at me, quite confused. "I was just kidding!" I laughed some more and he joined in with a wonderful chuckle. I waited as he changed into clothes and ran a comb through his hair. Then I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I made sure to leave Avery a note so she wouldn't wonder where we had gone. Though, knowing her, she wouldn't worry.  I swear she only worriers about weird things no one else would even consider. Like if the punch is poisoned. Charlie followed me out and walked in step with me as I headed to the cafe. As we walked I felt his arm brush against mine, giving me goosebumps. Before I could change my mind I grabbed his hand and slipped mine into it. He didn't pull away, just kept my hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. I smiled over at him, blushing. Looking for something to say I spouted a random statement.

"Once, in the ninth grade, Avery stole a pair of my socks." {Side note: I actually did just steal a pair of my friend's socks. They're incredibly pink, my least favourite colour, but they're so comfy! So there you have that inspiration.}

Charlie and I swapped embarrassing stories and fun facts about ourselves, Avery, and Liam the entire way to the cafe.

"...And then because I had fallen into the stream my butt was all wet. And Avery just thought it was HILARIOUS... Which it is kinda funny now," I said through laughter, "but as we walked back to my house on the trail people kept staring at me..." I had to stop because I was laughing so hard no sound was coming out. We had reached the cafe as I finished this story off and we stumbled inside doubled over in our silent laughter. It took a few moments before we recovered our breath. Our orders were made and we took them to a couch in front of a fire place.

"Charlie?" I asked quietly. He looked up at me from his tea.


I took a deep breath in, convincing myself to say this before I changed my mind. "I...I've like you since  Avery showed me your vlogs years ago..." I trailed off, my nerves getting the best of me. I diverted my eyes to Charlie to see that he was staring at his tea.

"I like you a lot, too, Abby," he muttered. I grinned. We sat their like that, too very red tomato-people, each of us not sure what to say next.

"So...Wanna go to the movie theater today or something? We could wander around the mall, too?" I asked.

"That sounds nice," he nodded, taking my hand. I could feel blood rising to my cheeks and I smiled.

As I wandered  out of the shop and into the brisk air, hand in hand with Charlie, I was thinking about how lucky I am. Even if Charlie and I never got any further than what we were-Whatever that was-I am lucky just to be able to spend time with him. We chattered as we browsed the mall, not actually going into any of the stores, yet still having fun. For lunch we grabbed sandwiches at a nearby restaurant and wandered over to the park, where we sat on a bench and ate together, before sprawling out on the grass.

"That one looks like a fish," I said, pointing to a cloud. Charlie laughed.

"Really? I wouldn't say that...Maybe a blob. I think it looks like a blob."

"Fine then," I said crossing my arms in mock anger. "That one definitely looks like a hand."

"Maybe. Maybe. Though, that one over there looks a lot like a butterfly," he said, pointing out another one. 

We went on like this for some time before I lolled my head over to the side and spotted a swing set.

"Oh my gosh!" I sprung up and bolted over to the swings, very excited. I love swinging. Charlie followed behind, chuckling at my childish behaviour.

We spent the entire afternoon at the park, running around like little kids. When we finally made it back to Avery and my flat, we found it empty.

Or so we thought at first.

Avery's POV

I munched on my toast, attempting to decide what to do with myself. It had been about a week since my last vlog, so maybe I'd film something. I was still feeling a bit sick, though. Maybe not...I settled on a cup of tea and some Dr. Who reruns.

I plopped on the couch, stretching out, the DVD of Season 5 already in the player. The first episode started playing, but I wasn't really paying attention. I could feel one of "those" moods falling down upon my shoulders and strangling me. They often bring a lot of sitting alone in a dark room with sad music playing as I think about my life. In fact, I was just deciding to go shut myself in my room when I remembered that Liam was still asleep in there. I didn't really want to wake him, so I just lay there on the couch, not sure what to do. After a few minutes of me biting my lip in indesicion, Liam solved the problem for me.

He walked in, phone in hand.

"Hey, I gotta go...I guess I'll text you later, 'k?" he said, slipping his shoes on. I simply stared at them as I continued to bite my lip.

"Oh. Yeah. Have fun?" I responded, not exactly sure where he was going. What if his mum had just died and I was saying 'Have fun'? No...He would've looked more sad if that was true.

"Thanks," he said, lingering at the door.

I sat up as his hand reached the doorknob. I had to ask. "Just, you know, out of curiousty, where are you going?"

"Oh, I thought you knew. I'm going to go hang out with my girlfriend today," he stated. My brain froze. What about when he had said 'I think I'm in love'? What of the running through the rain? The sharing sickness? And most of all, why did this bother me so much? This kind of thing had never mattered before, but I already missed him and he wasn't even out of the door yet. He was just a friend, yes? But how would I know? I had never been in love before...

"Cool," I managed to say, still mostly lost in thought. If I wasn't going to need to shut myself in a dark room BEFORE, I certainly did NOW.

I was slightly aware of him bidding me farewell once more before hearing the door shut. I clicked off the Dr. Who episode, escaping to my empty bedroom. I shut the door and the lights, pulled out my iPhone, and plugged it into the the dock. Some sad Hush Sound song started to play as I sank into bed, but I found that it smelled like Liam, which triggered some inner pain. I rolled off and hit the floor with a thunk. That pain didn't register, though, as I got lost in thought.

Yet, no matter how often I consider my life, the people in it, myself, society, and every other factor possible, I always come up with the same conclusion. People are stupid, confusing, bothersome, and scary.

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