Work of Art

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I didn’t want to wait any longer, or I would lose my nerve. I kissed her on the cheek.

Avery beamed. “You idiot,” she said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

Avery's POV

"Congratulations, Liam Dryden, you just got the honor of taking my first kiss," I said, pulling away. My face broke into a grin, and I started laughing with him.

"You can't say anything without laughing, can you?" he asked, chuckling.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'.

"Anyway, I feel completely honored," he said, putting his hand over his heart.

"Good. Don't make me regret it," I said, raising my eyebrows before planting another kiss on his lips.

I think I've always underestimated romance. You wouldn't believe how nice it is to wake up in someone's arms on a snowy Christmas morning. Okay, yeah, that was too sappy. Let's move on.

I decided I was gonna make waffles. Chocolate waffles. I slipped out of bed, moving Liam's arms off of my waist, and put on my glasses. I wandered into the kitchen and turned on some Christmas carols while I made the batter, only cracking one bowl in the process. I poured the batter into the waffle iron, waiting for Liam to wake up. Like the five year old I am, I popped my head into the living room and stared at our two stockings and the gifts under the tree. Both of us had put our family presents under it and I had bought Liam a few, and I was hoping for one from him. I had stuffed his stocking, and he had clearly stuffed mine, as both were overflowing. I grinned excitedly before returning to the nearly burned waffles.

Liam arose just as the last waffles finished. I ignored him just to bug him, and went to the fridge for some juice. As I poured the orange mango juice into my favourite cup, Liam chose to pounce, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my neck.

"HOLY CRAP!" I shouted, jerking my arms back. Including the one that held the juice container. The liquid went flying, coating Liam in a sticky orangey sweater. "Oh, merry Christmas," I said, calmly turning around to face him. Miraculously, only he had gotten painted with juice.

"Thanks," he said dryly. I burst out laughing, kissing his cheek.

"You tast all mango-y," I stated, licking my lips.

"Who would've guessed."

I snorted, and he rolled his eyes, taking off his shirt. We sat down at the island to eat our semi-cold waffles, savouring how unique our life was. Here we were, two strange video bloggers in a small flat on Christmas, eating waffles, and one of us covered in juice and shirtless. Just imagine someone walking in to see that. Now envision their faces. Good, right?

Once we had stuffed way too many waffles down our throats, we washed the dishes. The entire time I kept staring at the living room, trying to show that I wanted to skip the dishwashing for the present opening. Finally, Liam glanced up. I caught his eye and raised my eyebrows. He smirked and we both bolted into the living room, knocking a few things off some tables. I reached my stocking first, triumphantly hoisting it above my head.

"I FREAKIN' WIN!" I screamed.

"I let you," he said nonchalantly.

"UH UH!" I yelled. "I CAN HEAR YOU GASPING FOR BREATH!" I flopped down on the floor and went one by one through my stocking. Every second seemed filled with him and I exchanging excited looks and gleeful smiles at the trinkets the other had jammed in the socks.

"Wanna know why stockings are my favourite?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said, eating some chocolate.

"BECAUSE THEY'RE SOCKS!" I said, beaming. I have a thing for socks, okay?! He chuckled, and we ended in a full out laughter fit, both of us lying on the floor laughing.

"Okay...So...WHO WANTS THE FIRST PRESENT?!" Liam yelled, holding a box above his head. 

"NOT ME!!" I shouted back, grinning.

"Fine," he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Which means you get mine!" I said, thrusting a wrapped box at him. The wrapping paper was white and literally covered in glitter, with a dark blue bow that had sparkly stars. I wrapped it like that 'cause I knew it'd make glitter everywhere. He carefully took the box from my hands.

"Wow. You do a much better job of wrapping than I do..." he said.

"Yo, I've been wrapping my family's presents for years. Since I was 10. I have pratice," I replied, waving it off. I waited eagerly for him to open it, watching it as he slid a finger under a seam. As soon as he tore it off, glitter flew up into a huge cloud. I laughed at the sparkles in his hair and on his pajamas.

"Thanks," he said, laughing. He continued to open the wrapping paper, revealing a square cardboard box. He quickly pulled off the tape, pulling out the brown packing paper eagerly like a four year old. His face lit up, his mouth dropping open. "KIDROBOT CUSTOM DUNNIES?!" {Google it, man. Google "Kidrobot Dunny". Photos of his in external link, as well as the photo on side.} "SPIDERMAN?!" he yelled. I waited for him to pull out the next one. "LUIGI?!" I grinned, watching him examin his presents. "These. These rule," he said, giving me a hug. I beamed, feeling very accomplished. "But now yours," he said, handing me the small box.

I sighed and accepted the gift. He had, in fact, wrapped it nicely, in paper with red, green, and silver stripes. It had a nice red curly bow, too. I began to open in up, peeling each piece of tape off.

"HURRRRY UP!!!" he shouted.

"Cool it," I said. "I have to open presents perfectly. It's one of those OCD things," I replied, slipping a navy box from the paper, which I folded neatly.

"Wait," he said, taking it from me. I looked at him weirdly.

"I thought it was my present-"

He popped  the lid off the box, revealing a necklace I have coveted for ages. It was ten times more gorgeous in real life than it was on the Shanalogic site, too. I sucked my breath in, so excited. Liam Dryden had purchased me an anatomical heart locket, I carefully picked it up, opening it to see a picture of him and me making snow angels together. I wasn't even sure how he'd gotten it, but it was an amazing photo.

"Avery, I, Liam Dryden, am hereby giving you my heart," he declared, grinning.

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