Winter Wonderland

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Hi! This is SD, and I wrote this chapter... Hope you enjoy!

That was SD. ^-^ She wrote this chapter because I thought it was time you guys got something cheesey and sappy. And she had and idea and I knew she'd be good with the sappy stuff (based on our luck with Raspberry Kisses) so here it is!

Liam's POV

The next five days were absolutely amazing. In all honesty, I felt a happiness so pure it was like I had never known the emotion of happiness before spending time with Avery. She was so wonderful and made me feel completely content with my life. I’d never been so happy to wake up every morning, just knowing I had another day with her... Avery seemed to make time melt. When we were together, I never dwelled on the past or worried about the future, I could just enjoy every beautiful moment I had with her.

In a strange way, I felt like I was more myself when I was with Avery, because she seemed to like me exactly the way I was. She was very quirky too, and confident in her quirkiness, and I just loved that about her. I loved everything about her. Our weirdness was perfectly matched. We baked snickerdoodles, sang songs, watched movies, and laughed a ton. Everything was so much funnier around her.

“LIAM!!!” she screamed out at me one day.

“What is it, love?” I asked. As soon as I said the word “love,” I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I knew she said it to me once, so I felt like I could say it to her. Still, it was scary.


“I’m not surprised!” I said, laughing and running over to help her clean it up. As we were mopping it up, we sang Winter Wonderland. When we thought all the juice was gone, we started dancing to it. I was overjoyed. I loved her energy, and the way I could see it in her eyes. They sparkled like she was as happy as I was. At one point, I twirled her, and she slipped on some juice that we missed while cleaning it up. She burst out laughing. Her laugh was so contagious I couldn’t help but laugh along.

I helped her up, and we continued singing and dancing late into the night.


Other days involved us going out and exploring nearby towns. We would always find interesting things to see and do, which usually involved looking at how everything was decorated for Christmas and trying new foods. Every night, we would go to a movie store that was near her flat and buy whatever movie looked interesting to us at the time. What I really looked forward to was when the movie was finished, because we had the most spectacular conversations in the night. The screen went black and her face was illuminated by the dim light of the candles in the fireplace. She was so beautiful. I could never believe I was lucky enough to spend time with her.

“Tell me something,” Avery said.

“What?” I responded.

“Something I don’t know about you.”

I thought about it for a minute. “I think you already know everything about me.”

Avery wrinkled her nose. “Come on. That’s impossible. Think of something.”

“I’m afraid of vacuum cleaners.”

“Seriously?” Avery laughed. “That’s stupid.”

“Yeah,” I said. “It is stupid. But I always feel like I’m going to get stabbed while vacuuming.”

“Well, I’m afraid of getting murdered in my sleep.”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “That’s a universal thing... I always feel like I’m going to get shot when I walk past cars. Especially in the dark.”

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