On the Hunt for Happiness

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    Where the hell is dream? It's been hours and I'm starting to get worried. Just when things started to get better, I guess nothing last forever. I got up and started to go put the door when I was interrupted by Blue.

   "Hey Ink! Where You Going?" Blue asked.
   "Going to go find Dream. He said he'd be back in an hour or two, but it's been way too long." I answered back.
   "Can I Go With You?" Blue asked already out the door. I chuckled as I closed the door. On the search for Dream.
   We went around all over the place. Checking everywhere he's usually at and all the places he's not. All the people he hangs with, and all the people he doesn't. Literal army search for this lost comrade. But after it all, we couldn't find him.

   We sat next to an nice cream stand, me having a rainbow flavored nice cream, Blue having a chocolate chip cookie dough nice cream. We ate our nice cream in defeat. We couldn't find Dream! We looked everywhere! Where in the angle relm could he be? I then froze. But not from the nice cream this time. From the realization of what might be the truth. I turned to tell Blue what I just figured out, when I realized it was a terrible idea to give Blue sweets.

A couple hours later...

   I sighed as Blue finally crashed. I laid him onto the couch and sat down next to him. I put my head in my hands. Where the hell could Dream be?! I sighed. Why can't things be easy. Why can't I keep my friends, and still be friends with Error without consequence. Why are we Angle and Demons even torn apart? Why can't we all just be friends? I groaned in annoyance. I then remembered the one place we haven't search. I looked down at Blue, debating with myself if I should wait for Blue to drag along with me. I sighed once more and rested my head on my hand. So many thoughts were buzzing through my head. But at the same time I could feel my eyes slowly start to close. Before I know it, I was fast asleep.

   An hour or so later, I was awoke by the movement to my side. I saw it was Blue. He was already awake.

   "Oh. Good Morning Ink! I Didn't Mean To Wake You." Blue greeted, a little too loud for my still sleepy self.
   "G'morning." I groaned stretching out my bones. Is it already the other day? I stood up, forcing myself awake.
    "Blue. I'm going out to find Dream again. I think, I think I might know where he is." Blue snapped his head around with an eager face on. I already knew what he was going to say. "And yes, you can come with." I smiled as he jumped up into the air and race out the door, full of excitement.
   "Wow." I said to myself. "Blue really is an interesting one." I smiled at how childish he was. How energetic he was. It was amazing how he could always stay so hyper.

   Me and Blue walked around a bit before he started questioning where we were going.

   "We are going to hell because we committed a big sin." I joked.
   "What!? What Did We Do Wrong! I Want To Say Goodbye First!" Blue said worriedly. I sighed.
   "Can you take a joke?" I asked as we entered through the gates into our secret meeting spot. "I think Dream might, for some reason, I think he might be visiting his brother." I smiled as Blue sighed out relived we didn't actually do anything bad.

   We kept walking until we got to the underworld with the demons roaming. I looked around, remembering the times Dust took me around at night. I looked at Blue, he seemed to know where to go as well. I looked at him confused but then I remembered Error must have took him here to come get me. I remember that night. Blue had so many questions, Dust forgot the key, Nightmare got so angry over something that Dream still won't talk about. I smiled at the memories.

   "Are you ready to go?" I asked looking at Blue. He smiled in response. I smiled back and we kept walking toward the tallest building. I could feel all the demons eyes on us. Blue didn't seem bothered by them, but I felt a little uncomfortable. I looked down at my feet in discomfort.
   We kept walking till we got to the giant door of the demons. I lifted my hand, about to knock, when all of a sudden the door flung open and someone flew out. Luckily, I was fast and my reflexes were pretty good, so I stepped out of the way. Blue didn't think as fast, but he was physically as fast and jumped out of the way just in time. I looked at who was just thrown.
A skeleton with a red jacket, sharp teeth with one golden tooth. I knew him pretty well. If I could recall, his name was Fell.
   "Uhh... you ok there mate?" I said looking down at Fell.
   "Nah. He's fine!" I looked up to see who just said that. It was Dust.
   "Hey. Long time no see!" I said as I straightened up, while Blue helped Fell up.
   "Don't worry. Fells fine. Horror just chucked him across the room because-"
   "He f*cking shoved a bag of marshmallows into my head hole! He f*cking deserves it!" I looked over to see Horror in the kitchen with his head over the trash in the kitchen. I smirked forgetting how stupid they were.
   "Well, despite that, do you guys happen to know where Dream is? He said he'd be back in an hour or so, but the next day comes amd he's still not back. So, we came to you guys to see if you guys know what's going on." I asked while helping Blue bring Fell back inside.
   "Well, I doubt he's here, but if anything he's probably in Nightmare's room. But don't just barge in, know your manners, and knock." Razz informed. I nodded and walked away to where I thought the bedrooms were.
   "Come on Blue. Let's go-" but before I could finish, Blue and Dust had already started a conversion of their own. I smiled seeing how innocent Blue was, and continued to the rooms.   
   I kept walking until I got to a door with purple, blue and, black. It also had some stars and a moon on it. I guessed this was Nightmare's room. I knocked on the door waiting for a reply. I waited a little longer before I knocked again. Still no answer. At this point I decided to just come in. Whatever happens, happens. Now that would be the case if the door wasn't locked. So there was no way I was going in.

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