Yet another meeting, but, not?

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Ink's POV

"So uh how are you? "
I hesitated.
"Ok. How about you? "
" I'm doing alright myself."
"That's good."
Silence fell over us. I didn't know how to start a new, and hopefully longer, conversation. Then, I remembered my friends request of a little greeting. So I thought that that would be a good icebreaker.
" So, one of my friends, wanted me to tell you something. "I started off.
" Oh yeah. Me too." He related.
" Well um, my friend just wanted me to say hi to you for her."
"Oh! Mines too!" Textile exclaimed.
That was weird. This got me thinking. Does my friend know Textiles friend? I mean, it could be a possibility. Maybe. I'll set that aside for now.
"Uhhh, so, hey. What kinda music do you listen to? Or uh, have any favorite songs?" Textile askes.
" Hmm? Oh yeah! My favorite one right now is "Searching for a Feeling" by Thirdstory because, well, you know why." I said.
" What about you?" I questioned back.
" Uh, me? Well, first, I'd like to say that's a good song, and second, I think I like this song called "The Knife in my Back" by Alec Benjamin. "
I froze. I knew that song. It's about friendship betrayal. I got concerned.
"Hey Textile, " I began
"Yeah? " He responded
"That's a good song but, it's about a friend betraying another friend." I continued my thought.
"Yeah. And?" He asked curiously.
"Well, do you, are you, have you..." I started
"Hahaha! Oh god Smudge! Are you forgetting where I'm from? The firey unforgiving grasp of hell. It's fine. It just, gives me this random thought whenever I hear it. That's all nothing serious. Don't worry about it."
"Oh yeah. Ha ha. I forgot sorry. "I apologized
"Ha yeah. In the war of you and your forgetfulness, I bet your forgetfulness always wins. "
"Ahahah. Hahaha."
"Hehehe. Hehe. "
We both burst out laughing.
There was this settling silence as we were catching our breath from laughing.
Then I was a little careless and curious on what the random thought was. So I asked.
" Uhh, well, umm." He stuttered a bit. A little choked up. I then realized it was a mistake to ask that question.
"Uhh, sorry I asked. You don't have to answer it if you don't-" He cut me off.
"We're all so scared to act on a stage in front of an audience, yet, we all don't realize we act on our broken life in front of the whole world."
An uncomfortable silence filled the place. The unsettling note left off was enough to tore us both down deep into our own wicked thoughts.
This was yet another meeting, but, not.
It was as if their will be something bad headed for us in the future.
But, I put it aside. And for once, in a long time, Hoped for something good to come. And Dreamed that my friendship between Dream and Textile will stay strong.

But that was quickly demolished.

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