A Plan, is Set!

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   Luckily, Dust and Ink didn't get caught. But, Dust was suspiciously late for the morning meeting the demons had decided to do that day. The were talking about what to do with Ink, and what to tell everyone else about the disapperence of Error.
   "So, first things first, what are we gonna do about Ink?" Nightmare started off.
   "Well, he doesn't seem like such of a threat." Razz said.
   "Yeah. He just sits there and stares blankly at nothing." Fell scoffed annoyed that the meeting was pointless.
   "Well, what if he's plotting something? Planning to escape?" Killer defended.
   "Ha! How could he possibly escape?" Dust pointed out. "It would be nearly impossible for Ink to break."
   "Key word 'Nearly' meaning he still could possibly escape." Killer stood strong, holding his ground.
   "Well then, how could he?" Dust challenged.
   "Well, anything is possible with the angels. We don't know them, we don't know what they're capable of!"
   "Well why don't we?"
   Killer was interrupted by Cross, who barely spoke. So hearing him now, was a shock.
   "What?" Horror asked. Completely confused.
   "Well, we never got to know the angels, so how do we have the right to judge them? The only things we've heard of them are from rumors. And we know well that rumors aren't always true. Plus, the only contact we have ever made with them was when we or they are angry. We've never tried a calm approach to them. So this is a perfect opportunity. Ink probably won't fight back now." Cross stated this option. And, it was pretty valid, so, the others considered it.
   "That's a pretty good idea Cross." Nightmare said. "We might go with that."
   "What if Ink starts lying? Then what would we do?"  Killer, once again, trying to think of all the things that could possibly go wrong.
   "Well, I suppose you have a better idea?" Razz questioned.
   "Well, everything is pretty fine right now. All we gotta do is get Error back, and everything's fine. We don't contact them, they don't contact us. Simple." Killer simply said.
   "Alright smarty, how we gonna get Error out? Huh?" Fell said.
   "Well, we can go there, cause now it's clear we can, and sneak Error out. We can question Ink for information." Killer completed.
   "So, your basically going with Cross's idea? Question Ink. Then whatever after that." Dust confirmed.
   "Kinda yeah." Killer decided.
   "Ok, so it's settled. Question Ink. Everyone on board with that?" Nightmare finished off. Everyone nodded and agreed. "Alright then. Meeting over." Nightmare dismissed everyone out.
Except one person.


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