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OK so, you might've already saw but this is actually serious I had a fucking mental break down about this last night when I saw it please spread it to literally everyone on wattpad I swear on my life if this shit is real I'm going to fucking die.

So basically there's this book called IMPORTANT by TheVoidIsMyHome and no seriously, this is actually really important and could effect wattpad. Please read their book because they have actual real evidence of this being real and I'm seriously fucking dying. And not in a funny way in an actual way. Like I already had a break down last night and I'm still currently having one as I'm typing this. So please please please read it share to literally everyone on wattpad. Because every single author and reader here on Wattpad needs to see it.

I'm not gonna describe the problem because I don't know if I fully understand it and I don't know if this is even real. I hope to everything that can be hoped prayed wished sweared on that this is not real. So please read it for yourself and try not to fucking freak out over It like me.

On that note. I love you all I hope you had the best Valentine day, and I hope you're doing well now and in the future and if there's anything I can do to make things better I will try my damn hardest. Bye love y'all :3

Update from literally two minutes ago: So yeah... when I posted this chapter fucking two minutes ago, it turns out nothing much will change. The book I told y'all to read is the only source I had, besides a quick Google search on this information, and it just updated that wattpad is not going to change. They're going to let Wattpad grow more. Thank fucking goshness for this. I literally had a fucking panic attack when I heard this. But, this is some good news. I'm still going to save my work on another spree place, but I'm not deleting anything or deleting anything. Nothings going to change here. I will live out toll the my very lats breath and more in here. I love you guys and I'm so glad to see this update. Cheeses Chris, I'm so glad. I think that should be all. Bye love y'all :3

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