You'll get used to it

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??? P.O.V:

I told my soulmate I'll wait for her.

We both jumped.

So here I am waiting.

Waiting in a place I don't belong in.


I told her " See you in hell. Because I know I'm not worthy enough to make it to heaven."

I said that to her.

But I guess I was.

Should I feel happy? Should I feel rejoiced? Because I don't.

I just want her here. Here with me.

Because everyone else is too loud. Everyone else is too happy. Everyone else is, not like me at all.

Why was I chosen here? What good did I do?

I was deep in thought. Blocking out all the noise around me, when someone came and sat down with me.

The lead angel.


Why of all people would he sit with me?

"Hey there. I saw you sitting alone. I came to see what was wrong." He said.

"You wouldn't understand. You and your friends are to happy-go-lucky to get it." I answered back.

"Ha ha." He chuckled. "Oh you all don't understand me. I'll tell you something if you tell me something." He offered.

"What would you have to hide." I argued back.

"Oh, you have to clue." He responded.

" I don't! You are all so happy! And I'm not. I'm just here waiting for a good friend who'll probably never show. But I hopelessly keep waiting because I'm an anxious reck! I was supposed to go to hell! What good did I ever do? I just don't get it. Why? Why me? I can't be like them. Never. I just want her. I just to see her again. I just..." I stated sobbing.

"Listen. Girl. I don't know who you are, but, I like you. You don't like it here either. I don't like it here either." I looked at him confused.

"Heh. Truth is, I don't have a soul. I can't feel feelings. I can't feel happiness. I just fake a smile every day to make them happy. It's hard but, I keep pushing through. Somehow. I guess, you just get used to it." I looked at him, Shocked.
I wouldn't think of hearing that from the lead angel. Ink. The God of creation. I just don't get it.

"Hey, I'm not the god of positivity. That's Dream. You might want to go to him. But, I'll leave you on this note. Their can't be flowers without rain. Maybe you were the flower, and your friend could've been the rain. And you came together and made each other better, and stronger. But she was the darkness, so she went to hell, and you were the beauty, so you came here. But, their is always a positive in a negative situation. Just, find a positive in this bright place. I belive in you. Like I said earlier, you'll get used to it." And with that, he was gone.

What he said got me thinking.

Maybe he's right.

I'll try.

I'll believe.

I'll find the positivity in this hellish,
loud, bright, place.

And maybe.

Just maybe.

I'll find you.

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