Chapter 19- Happy Birthday to me

Start from the beginning

Suddenly someone puts their hands over my eyes.

"Hey there, guess who?" Someone whispered in my ear.

"Damon Salvatore?" I said already knowing that it was Adam.

"Nope." He said still with his hands over my eyes.

"Spongebob?" I ask laughing.

"No, it's Adam." He said laughing while taking his hands away from my eyes.

"So, happy birthday." He said smiling.

"It's not my birthday." I stated while looking into his eyes.

"Liar, liar pants on fire." He said while he showed me his phone.

"Your mom texted me and she invited me to your birthday." He said while smirking.

"Yeah, so ? It didn't want a birthday party." I say while looking at the sky.

"Why not? Everyone loves birthday parties." He said taking my hand in his.

"Well, not everyone." I said avoiding his question.

"So, cool weather." I said still looking at the sky.

"Stop changing the subject. I asked you a question so answer it." He said while I looked at him.

"What question?" I ask while taking away my hand.

"Why don't you want a birthday party?" He asked serious.

"I don't know, ever since I was little I never liked to party." I shrugged.

"Come on." He said while getting up from the bench.

"Where ?" I asked.

"Just trust me." He said while he  took my hand and opened the door to his car.


"Chuck E. Cheese?" I ask laughing.

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"I haven't been here since I was little." I say while looking around.

"You know, the animatronics always creeped me out. " I say while looking at them.

"Yeah, they are kind of creepy." He said frowning.

We sat at a table and ordered some pizza.


After 3 hours of laughing and watching kids having pizza fights I  got into Adam's car.

"Hey, by the way, how did you knew that I was in the park?" I ask curious.

"I didn't, I just went there with Anna..." He suddenly looked very pale.


"Yes..." He said while driving faster.

"My mom is going to kill me." He said mostly to himself.

After 3 minutes we got to the park where we saw Anna playing on the swings with a boy.

"Hey kids." I heard Adam say. Anna turned around and when she saw him she frowned.

"You left me here! I'm so gonna tell mom. You're going to be grounded for the rest of your life." She said with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hi, I'm Ryan." I looked at the little boy and smiled.

"I'm Emma, and this is Adam." I say while punching Adam's shoulder so that he would say something.

"Hi, I'm Adam, so, what were you guys talking about?" Adam asked looking at Ryan.

"We were talking about school." He said while looking at Anna smiling .

Anna blushed and Adam frowned .

"School?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Anna and Ryan nodded but it was so obvious that they weren't talking about school.

"Come on Anna, we're going home, say goodbye to your little friend." I laughed as Adam took Anna's hand.

"He's coming with us." She said looking into Adam's eyes.

"No he isn't." He said arguing with her.

"Yes he is, if not, I'm telling mom that you left me in the park." She said smiling.

"Ugh, fine, but if you tell mom I'm going to tell her who used her 500$ makeup palette to do a makeup tutorial on a Barbie." He said smirking.

"Deal." She said and then they did a weird handshake.

"Come on Ryan." Said Anna as she took his hand.

We all got in Adam's car and all the way to their house Ryan made funny jokes that made Anna laugh and blush.

I was laughing with them but Adam wasn't that happy, he kept mumbling stuff like: 'He wants to hit on my little sister ','Stupid kids ',' Stupid jokes' and stuffs like that.

He dropped Anna and Ryan at their house and before they opened the door he called Ryan.

"I'm watching you kid." He said with cold eyes.

Ryan looked terrified by him as he ran inside.

"Hey, leave the kid alone , they're just friends." I stated.

"He was flirting with my sister, I'm not going to let him hurt her." He said as we got out of his car.

"Adam, their only kids." I say as I opened the door to my house.

"SURPRISE!" A bunch of people  jumped out of nowhere and music started to play from everywhere.

I only frowned as I sat down on the couch.


After like an hour and a half I figured that most of these people were Alyson's friends so I just went up to my room.

Adam left half an hour ago because he had to help his mother to cook dinner.

Mom told me that she invited Dylan but I never saw him.

I was feeling tired so I went upstairs to go to sleep. I opened the door to my room and I froze, there on my bed were Alyson and Dylan.  I closed the door crying. Dylan and Alyson were making out in my bed, in my room.


Hi guys, long chapter, I hope that you liked it 💕

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Xoxo-Cat lover ❤

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