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If I was single, I would so give him my number.

"Thank you," he says. "And what's your name, beautiful?"

"God, I can't take you anywhere," the lady chuckles. "Please ignore my brother, he's a pig."

I chuckle, "Aren't most men?"

"Hey, women aren't any better," He protests.

This is definitely true. Just look at Ally. She's the biggest pig I know. Speaking of Ally, I have to call her later. I haven't seen much of her either.

"Can I get you anything else," I offer, changing the subject.

"I still would like a name to put to such a beautiful face." His sister sighs and leans back in her chair.

He's the type that doesn't give up easily. I can already tell. "My name is Fallon," I tell him before walking away.

"Fallon," I hear him repeat softly.

"He's hot," Jeff says.

"Go give him your number," I tease. Jeff is so much fun to work with. I'm surprised we get any work done.

Jeff snorts and nods towards the table. "It isn't me he's after."

I turn around to see him staring at me. His brown eyes checked me up and down. "Yeah, well I'm taken. So he will have to find someone else."

Grabbing the coffee pot, I walk to the closest table and fill up their coffee cups. I walk past the table he is sitting at and hear him mutter to his sister about getting my number; which won't be happening. I stop at the table closest to the door and pour the remaining coffee into, George's cup. George is an older man in his 70's. He comes here for breakfast every morning.

"Thank you, sweets," George says.

I smile, "No problem. Are you ready for your check?" He nods. "Give me one sec and I'll be back."

As I'm walking past his table, I feel a hand reach out and grab my arm, pulling me to a stop. "Can I help you," I ask in annoyance, tugging my arm out of his grip. I don't like it when people just grab me.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I just wanted to let you know that we were ready for our check."


I glance at their plates to see that they are empty. "You two sure were hungry," I chuckle.

"We have to be somewhere," his sister says. I take that as my cue to get their check.

I hand them their check and make my way to George, who is waiting patiently, and apologize for taking so long.

"Don't worry about it," he tells me and places a twenty on the counter. "Keep the change."

"Thank you. You have a good day now."

He tips his hat and leaves. I gather up the dishes and head back towards the kitchen, scraping the leftovers into the trash, before placing them in the sink.

"So...when does Alex come home?" Jeff asks.

"I don't know," I sigh. "But I can't wait to see him. Not seeing him is driving me crazy."

"You're going to fuck his brains out, aren't you?" He teases.

"Damn right, I am. All he does is tease me when we talk. I've never been this sexually frustrated in my life."

He laughs and shakes his head. "You got it bad," he says through his laughter.

"So what if I do? He's my boyfriend."

"Have you told him that you loved him yet?"

I'm not going to lie, I have thought about it. But I'm afraid that it still might be too soon and scare him away. I shake my head, "Not yet."

"Girl...What are you waiting for?"

"I'm afraid," I mutter, hanging my head. "I don't want to scare him off."

Jeff places his finger under my chin and forces me to look up at him. "That man loves you," he says matter-of-factly. "Everyone sees it."

"He hasn't said it either."

"Men are bitches when it comes to saying the L word." I laugh. It isn't just men. "Tell him while he's up in it."

I smack his arm, "You are such a pig."

"Never said I wasn't," He retorts proudly.

I hear the bell at the counter ring and walk out to see him standing there. "I didn't want to leave this on the table," he hands me a fifty. "Keep the change."

I shake my head, "I can't accept that. That's too much." Their bill was only twenty dollars.

"You earned it."

"If you think that you can buy me, you're wrong," I tell him, crossing my arms.

"Never crossed my mind," he says with a wink before walking outside, where his sister is waiting.

"Well that was mighty nice of him," Jeff says and leans on the counter.

I shrug, "He's just trying to get into my pants."

I grabbed a rag from the bucket and walked over to where they were sitting and was surprised to see everything was already stacked and ready for me to take back to the kitchen.

That was nice of them.

When I picked up the dishes to place them on my tray, a napkin fell onto the table. The name Nathan is written in black ink with a number beneath it.

Yeah, that's not going to happen!

"Get it, girl," Jeff shouts.

I huff and crinkle the napkin up and toss it at him. "Not going to happen."

"That's what you say now!"

I roll my eyes and continue to wipe down the table. What part of a relationship doesn't he understand?

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