A thousand years waiting for you chapter 7

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"Who would have thought that one of the great Kuroko ancestor was still alive." Shirogane said.

"What will we do Kōzō." Eiji asked.

Shirogane thought for a moment.

"It would be a problem if we were to fight him." Sanada said.

"That's right! The vampires must have manipulated him! We have to go save him!" A fat man said.

"Kazuya-San we cannot just go to vampire territory. Entering their territory means war." Eiji Said.

"But!" Kazuya looked at them.

"Kazuya-San, I believe my brother is right. We mustn't do anything right now." Shirogane Said.

Kazuya Shut his mouth. His face was filled in anger. He stood up and left the room with anger. His men following behind him.

"Damn it! Those damn bastard never listening to me." He bit his thumb.

"Kazuya-sama. Please calm down." One of his men said.

"Shut up! Don't tell me to calm down!" Kazuya glared at him.

He then suddenly thought if an idea. He turned to his men and smiled.

"I need you to do something for me." He said.

When Eren woke up his head was in pain. He groan in pain.

There was a cup and medicine right next to the headstand. He grab it and took the medicine.

After a couple minutes when the medicine kicked him he looked around and noticed something.

He was in a very fancy room with diamond lights dangling and soft fabrics and all the things that rich people had.

He then looked down and noticed he was naked. He tried to stand up but fell to the floor within a thud.

His butt hurts.

He then started to panic and thought of what happen last night. He remember he drank something and then...and then.....

"Oh god no...." Eren face turned pale.

Eren remember he danced with the Vampire King! Then they went to the bedroom and he doesn't remember anything else!

"Shit I lost my virginity." Eren whisper.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" A voice Said.

Eren screamed and backed up to the wall with the blacker covering his body.

There stood Levi who just got out of the bathroom with his bare chest showing and the towel wrap around his waist.

Eren blush at the six pack and those sexy abs.

Eren blush at the six pack and those sexy abs

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A Thousand Years Waiting For You (Akakuro & Riren)Where stories live. Discover now