Chapter 1: Divine intervention

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Remember when I said chapter 1 comes out tomorrow?


Turns out I LIED!!

Wow 2 chapters in 1 day, I must be in a good mood. anyway please enjoy the chapter.


"Greetings mortal, I believe we have plenty to discuss" A loud booming voice greeted Y/N's ears, like the sound of a proud and disciplined father who went at the office and did a hundred paperwork and still came home sane.


He could almost feel the voice narrowing its eye's towards him.

"I believe I haven't taken your voice, I assure you, you can speak"

"Oh sorry! it's just that not every day you die and your soul transports into a black void where I can be possibly judged and sent to heaven, or worst...hell!" Y/N sarcastically screamed.

"...Well aren't you a sassy one"

"No shit sherlock"

Instead of being mad, the voice heartily laughed.

"Tell you know who I am?" The voice said.

"Let me guess...God?" Y/N answered.

"God? well yes you can say that" 

"What do you want?"

"Oh, straight to the point eh, I like it, it's much easier explaining that way"

The now named 'God' cleared his throat before speaking.

"Tell me, have you heard of reincarnation?"


"Great! easier to explain"

"Easier to explain what?"

"I have decided, like a very cliche god in those terrible isekai novels, I will allow you to reincarnate!"




"No special reactions"

"Yeah, that sounds stupid"

"I know right?"

"Why? if you don't mind me asking"

"I'm bored"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What you think that girl you saved, In the future, she was so inspired by your heroic actions towards her, that she became a founder of a world-famous company that helps the poor and the sick by paying for their hospital bills or delivering free food for the people, your actions made huge changes towards the world, and for that, you deserve something in return shit?"

"That's what the author's first draft said"

"Well shit"

"Can I get three bonuses?"

"Eh, why not?" The god replied in a bored tone.


"One question though?"

"What is it?"

"Do you wanna reincarnate into a fantasy world harem bullshit or the real world?"

"Hmmm, how about..."

The dramatic drum plays in the background.

"RWBY, you know? that Rooster teeth animation series?"

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