Obsessive Love (Dark-Holly Holliday)

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I sat in the head dorm common room, turning the pages of a new book. It was about a dragon. I rather enjoyed muggle literature about the magical world, it astounded me how much they got right. Tom walked in, he looked tired and worn out. As though he had just run a marathon.

I turned to him, gesturing for him to join me on the couch which he did happily. I smiled as his exhausted form lay his head on my lap as I set my book down in favour of playing with his perfect hair.

"Are you Alright?" I asked, concern written across my features.

"I'm fine, especially now that I'm here with you." He answered.

I frowned, he always gave that same answer. It was like he was keeping something from me, and he was not going through that much effort to hide it.

Tom had closed his eyes as I ran my fingers through his hair, as though he were deep in thought. He was breathing deeply, when his hand reached up and took mine.

"Promise me something." He Said.


"Promise me you will never leave me." He Said.

"What if you become a mass murderer?" I Said jokingly.

He froze.



"What aren't you telling me?" I asked, "Why do your friends seem more like followers? And why are you so tired?"

He said nothing. He merely touched the palm of my hand tenderly, as though he was afraid he would break me.

Tom stood up, and gestures for me to follow. I obliged, out of sheer curiosity as to what he would do next.

He pulled my lips to his, keeping a hand on the nape of the neck to hold me in place. When he pulled away, I was left breathless and confused.

"I love you." He whispered. "Everything else does not really matter."

"I love you too." I Said quietly, looking into his dark green eyes.

"You love me." He repeated, he proceeded to pick me up and carry me back to the couch. I sat with my head resting against his chest as he played with my hair. "Holly Holliday loves me. Someone loves me." When he spoke it was barely audible.

"How could I not?" I said.

I could hear his breathing slow as though he was reaching a new level of calm. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tighter still.

"Marry me?" He asked suddenly.

I pulled myself from his grip and rather ungracefully fell to the floor.


"Make a vow, never leave me for the rest of your life. In return I will love you forever." He Said, drawing closer to me, helping me up.

"I- didn't think this would happen so soon." I whispered.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Many people marry right out of Hogwarts."

"I never thought I'd be one of them." I Said.

"So you will be one of them?" He asked, his arms encompassing my waist.

"Well, lets see the ring." I Said jokingly, his grip tightened around my waist almost painfully, he squeezed my waist and it caused me to squeak out an answer"Maybe." I Said in all seriousness.

"I need an answer now, Holly." He Said, staring at me so intensely that I could swear he was reading my thoughts.



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