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"Holy shit, sir are you okay?" Asked a brunette rushing towards Tom where he lay on the ground in an alley. He'd just created a new Horcrux and his magic had burst causing him to apparate and somehow he'd ended up here, "Can I take you to the hospital?"

And she was a muggle. great.

"No, no hospital, I'm fine," He said, as he tried to stand up but there was searing pain in his chest. and his side on which he had landed hurt,

"Did you take something?" She asked, as she helped him up,

"No, I didn't," Said Tom and she put his arm around her shoulders, he was sweating, and so she sighed,

"Because I haven't heard that before," She said, "I won't take you to the hospital,"

"Thank you," Said Tom, and she nodded,

"Do you live close?" Asked the girl,

"No," Said Tom,

"Well, I do, you are a junky not a serial killer-"

"I am not a junky," Said Tom,

"First of all, not shameful you just need the proper help, and second Okay, be short with the person who wants to help you, you do that, I was going to take you back to mine and make sure you don't die or get picked up by police," Said the woman, and Tom was so weak that he had to lean on her, "What's your name?"

"Tom," He said,

"Well, Tom, I'm Lorelai and I am a nurse," She said, "Convenient for you,"

"Do you live close?" Asked Tom,

"Oh, is someone not fine anymore?" She taunted,

"How are you a nurse?" He groaned,

"Fundamental desire to help others," She said,

"And give them a hard time about it?" Asked Tom,

"You're the one giving me a hard time for trying to help you," Said Lorelai, and he continued to lean on her as she essentially carried him down the street and to an apartment building,

"So stairs are a thing." She said, "I believe in Karma, so I won't topple over,"


"What do you have a better way to live your life?" She asked as they began moving very slowly up the stairs,

"Karma is bullshit," Groaned Tom as they reached the first landing,

"What you put into the universe you get back," She said,

"Religion is bullshit," He said,

"You are looking for danger aren't you, we are in England, Sweetheart, you may as well yell fire in a theater," Said Lorelai as Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he tried not to sway, the feeling of weakness washing over him, "Come on, two more flights,"

"I know," Said Tom,

"I'm talking to myself, tall guy, I'm the one doing the heavy lifting," Said Lorelai, as they finally reached the final landing, and she got the key out of her pocket, and unlocked her door, "Come on, the couch is right there,"

Tom lay down on the blue couch and she locked the door behind them,

"There is a stick in your pocket, right?" She asked, as she poured him a glass of water,

"Yes," He said,

"Thank you for not being a pervert," She said, as she then picked up a bucket from under her sink, "For the vomit. I don't have any orange juice but I could ask the neighbours,"

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