The Healing Properties of Water

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Back at it again with the overly talkative and overly friendly characters,

"Riddle?" He heard as he woke up, "Riddle?" He felt oddly aware of the blood flowing through his veins, his eyes opened to see a Ravenclaw in his year, looking over him, concern written across her face, he watched as water seemed to return to the sink from surrounding her hands,

"What happened?" He asked,

"I should be the one asking you that question," she said, "Why were you collapsed in the girls bathroom? Seems an odd place to faint. Considering you know, you're not a girl, I mean I don't want to assume-"

"What were you doing?" He asked,

"Your heart practically stopped." She said, "You should probably go to the matron,"

He shook his head, and sat up slowly,

"Riddle, there was a weird hissing noise, the sound of bricks moving, and then you were here, mostly dead, or half way dead, but I choose to see that as half way alive. Call me an optimist." She said, "Did you try to um,"

"No I didn't try to kill myself," he said, rolling his eyes and she raised her arms in surrender,

"Geez, it's not like I just saved your live, or saved you from being found by a professor, or a Gryffindor with a hero complex." She said, folding her arms over her chest,

"Thank you," he said, sitting up with a little difficulty, "What did you do?"

"I went into the washroom and then I thought that Tom Riddle, the Tom Riddle, was dead. And so I used magic, witchcraft, to save bring him back into the realm of the living that much faster." Said the girl, "I'll bet you don't even know my name,"

"Eir," he said, "Your last name is Eir,"

"Happy you noticed," she said, then she picked up his journal, "This was under your arm, it reeks of dark magic,"


"I'm sure," she said, handing it to him, "Water has memory, you know. You did something to yourself. I couldn't fix all of you. I think you should go to the matron."

"I'm fine." He said.

"You're missing something," she said, "I will take you to the matron myself, drag you there."

"And how will you do that?" He asked,

"I have your wand," she said, holding up the yew wand and inspecting it, "It's rather pretty, very unique. I've rarely seen one so individual I should say,"

He looked at her a little astounded, no one ever liked his wand. People found it scary. But this random Ravenclaw who decided to resuscitate him without telling Dumbledore found it beautiful.

"Glad you think so," he said, struggling to stand up, she helped him up,

"You are still absolutely insane if you don't think I will at least walk you back to Slytherin." She said, her blue eyes staring up at him,

"Fine." He said,

"Out of curiosity," she began,

"I won't tell you." He said, "How did you,"

"I won't tell you." She mimicked, checking if the coast was clear for their exit of the girl's bathroom.

"What's your first name,"

"Iris." She answered, "My parents were jerks about the whole naming thing. You know what my middle name is? Epione."

"Is that true? Is that an actual name" He asked,

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