Class Rank (This One's sweetish)

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Tom Riddle sat in the library, putting the finishing touches on his potions essay

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Tom Riddle sat in the library, putting the finishing touches on his potions essay. This would surely secure his place as top of the class. Tom adored achievement. He wanted nothing more than to be the best. He was deep in thought about the affects of beetroots on mandrake venom when a series of giggles pulled him from his study.

When he looked up, surely enough the giggles only intensified. Four girls stood behind the book shelf, and ducked when they spotted him looking up. Daft empty headed girls, as if that would guard them from his field of view.

"He's so dreamy." Said one

"And so focused." Said another.

"I don't know, I bet he's even handsomer when he's less composed." Tom rolled his eyes at that one.

"Bite your tongue, we should all be so lucky as to meet a man as gorgeous as him."

"He sort of looks like a muggle." Tom froze at the Ravenclaw's comment. "You know, In the sense that he doesn't look inbred."

The girls all laughed hysterically. Tom knew he had fan girls. He hated their attention at all times, although it did make them easy to manipulate. He once asked one for a book and she brought him the series. A series he himself had not been able to find. With another, he had walked her back to her dormitory and in return he had received countless artifacts and tools including enchanted gold cuff links which Tom had promptly pawned off to pay for unused school robes, his books, and a rather nice suit. Then there were the ones Tom got to do real favours for him. One he had coaxed into stealing one of Dumbledore's memories from his office, a second he had persuaded to steal a postcard for him at a gift shop along with a few other trinkets. All it had taken was a kiss on their lips and they were like putty in his hands.

Of course many of his followers were boys as well, only his manipulative tactics shifted depending on the boy. He found that they responded to fear much better than their female counter parts did.

Then of course there were the members of Tom's little fan club that never approached him at all. He never really made an effort to persue any of them either. He had enough minions without the gratuitous effort of getting some more.

The giggles subsided as the four girls made their way out of the library. They were in his year, and Tom had only ever spoken with two of them. The other two were not as forward as their Slytherin peers. Tom returned his thoughts to his essay as he heard someone enter the library.

"I swear, I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck." Said one of the previously giggling Ravenclaw girls, to her friend.

"Honestly, Holly the amount of times that you lose your things I'm going to have to buy you a rememberall." Said The other Ravenclaw.

"Ah!" Said The blonde Ravenclaw in triumph as she sling the book bag over her shoulder. "I have found it." Tom definitely recognized her, she was the Ravenclaw prefect. Her long curly hair nearly covered the prefect badge on her chest. "I told you I'd find it, Alice."

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