Chapter 49: Scorpio

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"Pisces, where are they?" Libra asked.

Pisces pointed towards the left. "They're stood there. It's like they're waiting for us to do something ... like they want to toy around with us before they finish us off."

Sag scoffed. "We can take them. Little tricks won't work for long." She stepped forward and conjured white blasts of flame that headed in the direction Pisces pointed at.

"They're moving to the right!" Pisces fired off his own, much faster, blast. Sag made the flames move in midair to follow Pisces's but the one in blue, Vepar the other had called him, deflected both attacks easily enough.

"If we can't go hand to hand, and they just deflect every ranged attack, how the hell are we going to win?" Aries demanded, looking around at all of them. "I know I'm not the brightest guy around, but fucking hell do we need a plan, so get your heads screwed on tight and tell me what to do!" His stance was rigid, shoulders pulled back, a cocked head, raised sword and fierce eyes. Aries wasn't giving up anytime soon.

"Who says we can't go hand to hand?" Taurus seemed to smirk. "Aries, Pisces, Libra try to go close combat. Me, Sag and Scorpio will try to help you from afar."

"Try explosive attacks," Scorpio suggested, "or attacks that have a wide area of effect. Easier to land."

The plan was basic and probably wouldn't work, but they needed to start somewhere. Maybe the demon would get weaker over time ...

It wasn't likely but they had nothing else. Scorpios heart seemed to beat ten times faster, and she slowed her breathing to try and calm herself down. She couldn't shake off the trembling, though, or her parched throat, or the doubting thoughts.

The wind seemed to stand still, the sun baring down on them with golden rays that didn't suit the occasion.

The enemy struck first.

The white haired demon flew at them with such alarming speed he seemed like a blur.

"The hell?" Aries took a step back, readying his avatar.

"Follow me," Pisces raised his sword and charged at the demon who was flying close to the ground. Pisces himself seemed immensely fast and Scorpio couldn't believe how fast he was covering ground.

"Its his perception shit!" Sag cursed. "He's making it seem as if everything around us is faster than it normally is."

Sag raised her hands above her head as the demon seemed to materialise in front of her with a smirk.

"Scorpio watch out!" Pisces yelled. Scorpio didn't have time to think, but she raised her shield instinctively and feeling a blade hit it even when no one was there. The demons sword had gone through Sagittarius but it was like an illusion - it was actually standing in front of her.

"How do we beat these guys?" Scorpio muttered, wildly slashing at the demon that she couldn't see. The demon had already retreated, its illusion materialising elsewhere.

Taurus, Libra and Aries had engaged the other demon, but they had no idea where it was, countless attacks being landed on them, Pisces frantically trying to tell them what to do.

"Retreat!" Scorpio yelled, causing a wave of water to engulf the battlefield. The others ran towards her direction, as the demons seemed to retreat to the sky.

Taurus put up a wall of black earth to protect them, as they all struggled to gain their breath back.

"How the hell are we going to win this?" Aries growled.

Taurus learned against his earth wall, his injured shoulder hanging lifelessly and sighed. "I've got one way... but, I don't know how it's gonna play out."

The Zodiacs: Blood Of AngelsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang