Facts about the Zodiacs #1

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I've decided that every ten chapters I'll make a list of trivia/facts for the characters in this book. There'll be facts about characters other than the Zodiacs, such as Azula and Ryze!

Here are the first ten facts:

1: Ryze's sword, Dainsleif is named after a sword in Greek mythology.

2: Azula is based on Erza Scarlet, from the anime Fairy Tail. Scorpio is too, to a degree.

3: Regina Mortem, the character Taurus meets in his chapter, means Queen of Death in Latin. *Hint, hint*

4: The Asterias is the name that Sag, Cancer, Libra and Crystal use when they perform. Asteria is the titan of the stars, which relates since 3 of them are Zodiacs.

5: Triton, the material Pisces's sword is made of, is also derived from Greek mythology. He is the son of Poseidon and is half dolphin, half man.

6: Umbra's name means shadow in Latin.

7: Nyx's name comes from the Greek Goddess of the night - also called Nyx.

8: Gemini and Libra both possess heterochromia - the condition where your eyes are a different colour.

9: Taurus is slightly based on Dante, from the Devil May Cry animated series, as they are both always in debt, both are powerful and both have horrible diets.

10: Azula's trident, Tsukuyomi, is named after the Japanese goddess of the moon.

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