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I gripped Safarii's hand in mines. I kissed her small hand as a lone tear dripped from my cheek. I was upset about what Safarii did. Especially at a time like this. It's like my family is tearing apart right in front of my eyes.

"I know that bitch did it!" Kari yelled

I jumped up with my hand still wrapped around Safarii's.

"Kari! NO! She didn't do it."

Safarii gave me a blank stare.

"I think it was Kim. I got word someone saw us here and gave it back to Kim and Shawn." I lied

Kari's facial expression changed to sympathetic.

"Oh my God" she cried running over to Safarii "I'm so so sorry Safarii. I love you so much sister"

I smiled and looked over to Gina who looked unmoved. She rolled her light brown eyes at me and walked off. I followed behind her inside the building.

"Look Gina, I had to. My family is tearing apart. It's my job as a mother and wife to clean things up. You know what it's like."

She sighed and flopped down in the brown chair, crossing her long cocoa colored legs.

"Patience, it's your family, do as you please. My concern is since your son is now in the cartel what the hell the police know and will do to him and this family. Not only will they charge him for rape and assault with a deadly weapon plus God knows what else. But they will also come for Dax, Kevin, Big D, and KJ's lil friend."

I took a deep breath "And we will do what we've been doing all these years."

She looked at me confused.







"The infamous Gaulden son."  The police laughed "we've been watching you."

I looked around the all white room. I placed my free hand on the small white table. My other hand was cuffed to the arm of the wood chair I'm sitting in.

"When can I call my lawyer pig?"

"When we say you can boy." The fat, white cop said.

I chuckled.

They looked at me confused.

"They I look like you son? You fat white bi—" I was cut off by a slap to the face.

"Assault" I said

"What?" A door opened and my lawyer walked in.

Damn grandma works fast.

"Assault" I said again looking at my lawyer "plus I was never given my Miranda Rights" I smirked at the police.

They rolled their eyes in frustration "you're fat ass didn't read him his right!?"

I chuckled as they released me. I walked over to the lawyer.

"Kj? My name is Vic. Im a friend of Dax." He said extending his hand

"Thanks man. Grandpa here?" I asked shaking his hand

"Yeah. Follow me."

I followed Vic down the long hall out to the front entrance. Dax took a deep breath and relaxed when he saw me.

"You Aight?"

"Yeah" I looked around and mugged the cops at the front desk "but can we get the hell out of here"

Keeping PatienceWhere stories live. Discover now