Where to Now?

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Jimin's POV:

Jin slowly opened the door of the bare room and entered into the hallway. His face was grim, as it always is when he finishes torturing one of us. We all stared at him, as he walked into the living. Namjoon gave him a nod, while Taehyung and I watched him carefully. Jin stopped at the end of the hall and looked around the living room.
"Where's Y/N?" Jin looks to Namjoon. Taehyung and I gave each other nervous looks.
"Jungkook took her out for some fresh air. They should be back soon." Namjoon explained. Taehyung and I both eased ourselves. Jin nods before going to the kitchen.
"That's probably for the best." Jin says before opening the fridge. "It's not like my work is exactly quiet." He says before grabbing a blood bag. It then grew quite. None of us wanted to comment, not even Namjoon. The bag crinkled as Jin drank from it, and we all sat there and watched. When Jin finished half of the bag, he looked at all of us and said, "I'm thinking that we should head home soon."
Taehyung and I glanced at each other.
"It'll be best for Y/N until she learns to control her urges." Jin continued. As much as I want to bring her back, Y/N put up quite the resistance from Yoongi and I. And I doubt she is would be willing to go back with all of us.

Your POV:

Jungkook and I said our goodbyes to Soobin and Beomgyu and headed back to the apartment. As we walked away from the coffee shop Jungkook subtly went and held my hand. I glanced at him for a second and he just looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but do the same. I don't know why but I felt so happy, holding his hand. It calmed me, made me forget all the bad things that had happened. We walked and our hands gently sway, looking around at the shops and businesses as we passed them.

We soon made it back to the apartment. Jimin and Taehyung sat next to each other, while Jin and Namjoon sat on the other couch. Jin looked at me and smiled.
"You're back." Jin stood up and went to embrace me in a hug. I hugged back, as his arms soothed me. Jungkook stood behind and watched. I couldn't help but think he felt a little jealous. Jin lets go and smiles. "Come, have a seat." He says as he leads me to the couch. "Are you hungry?" He asks and I give him a nod. Jin then goes to the kitchen and quickly comes back with a blood bag.
"Thanks." I tell him as I graciously take the bag from him and take a sip.
"My pleasure." Jin says.

Jimin and Taehyung left to the apartment to go hunt for some dinner. I could only assume that Hoseok was still at the college, possibility feeding on one of his students. So for the rest of the evening, it was just me, Jin, Jungkook, and Namjoon. Jin treated me like a queen. He gave me whatever I asked, which wasn't much, he snuggled with me when I wanted to be held. He even at one point rubbed my feet. It was really sweet of him, but during all his romantic gestures I couldn't help think of Jungkook. I kept thinking of how he kissed me that one evening, how much passion he shared, they way is arms moved around my body. It was so different from the others. It didn't feel like a need to satisfy or a random hook up, it felt like actual love. But all this made me feel guilty for Jin. I know Jungkook probably felt the same way. Jin doesn't know what Jungkook and I shared those past few days. And I'm a scared to tell him anything. Jin's only been kind to me, and I don't want to hurt him. But Jungkook was there for me when I needed him most. Jungkook was there when Jin wasn't. And not only that, but he protected me, and he never harmed me in any way.


Jin looks over his shoulder. "We need to talk." Jin looked at me and smiled before getting up. Jin and Jungkook both left the apartment, leaving me with Namjoon. And I'll be honest, I was a little scared.

Jungkook POV:

I took Jin outside of the apartment complex, away from prying ears. It was dark and we could see the night sky.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Jin said smiling while looking up at the stars.
"Yeah it really is." I smiled a little while looking up.
"It sorta makes you forget about all the bad things." Jin says as he kept staring at the stars.

We walked a little further until we reached a bar where we got a booth and a couple drinks.
"So," Jin smiles. "What did you want to talk about?"
"Well..." I look down at my beer before I answered. "It's about Y/N." I tell him. "What should we do with her?"
Jin's smile dropped a little. He didn't seem to want to answer.
"I'm thinking we should bring her back home."
"Heh, you're joking, right?" I said before taking a swing of my beer. "Yeah that's a shitty idea." I said with a straight face.
"What?" Jin looked a little baffled.
"Do you have any idea what I've gone through?" I take another swing of my beer. "Jin..." I shook my head. "I had to sneak out, rescue Y/N several times, got my neck snapped, got kidnapped, and was tortured! before you managed to get your ass over here." I raised my voice slightly. Jin's hand turned into a fist. "And now you're telling me to bring her back to the mansion? After what you and I did to get her out?" I shook my head.
"She's dangerousness Jungkook, you know that." Jin grew serious.
"We all were, but that doesn't mean she needs to hide." I argued. "Keeping her locked up in the mansion will only make her unhappy. And besides, you don't want another situation like Hoseok do you?" I started to hear Jin's bottle crack, but I didn't stop. "If she finds out your taking her back she will start begging you not to go. And if you insist on going then she is going to run away because you will have lost her trust." I pointed directly at him before his beer bottle shattered into a thousand pieces. A few heads turn our direction, but Jin and I just looked each other in the eyes. His eyes were turning red but he knew he couldn't do anything, not out in public anyway.
"Jungkook..." He said lowly.
"You know I'm right."
Jin stared at me angrily. He knew I was right, and he didn't like it.
"So what do you propose?"

Your POV:

When Jin and Jungkook left it was just me and Namjoon. Namjoon sat in front of me and smiled.
"Hey." He said. "How you doing kiddo?"
I kept my eyes away from him. Namjoon scared me, especially since he almost killed me back at the mansion. "Okay." Namjoon reclines back and begins to play on his phone. I don't think he knew what to do with me, and neither did I. It was quiet for a while. Namjoon didn't say anything and I just laid on the couch opposite from him.

"Do you like it?" Namjoon looked up from his phone.
"Like what?" I said without making eye contact.
"Feeding?" He said. But I didn't answer. "Hmph." He smiled. "I'll be honest, I didn't think you would last this long. You seemed pretty against turning into a vampire."
I kept silent.
"I'm still surprised that you even made it out."

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