New Professor

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The blood written words read. I gasp and take a few steps back until I hit the wall behind me. My heart soon begins to race, and I immediately begin to panic. I quickly got out my phone and started dialing 911. As the phone rang I was continuously looking back and fourth to see if anyone was around. The operator soon answered and I explained my situation. Soon the police came and investigated the note. It was definitely written in blood, but they didn't know who's it was. Everyone else in the dormitory came to see the commotion, and were as shocked as I was when they saw the note. Everyone, including me, was questioned by the police. Before long, the police took the note and told me they would investigate it, and call me if they needed me to come into the station. After the police left, I went into my dorm and tried to rest. But it was hard because of what had just happened.

After a restless night of sleep, I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I roll the covers off my bed and begrudgingly get up and take a look at my phone, it said 6:01 am at the top. I make a grunt sound as I put it down. The whole upper part of my back was aching due to my sleeping position. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag and head over to the local cafe for some breakfast and met up with Soobin.
"Hey Y/N." He waved as he stood in line.
"Hey Soobin." I waved back as I stepped in line behind him. "What have you been up to?" I ask.
"Uh nothing much, just hanging out and trying sleeping to catch up on sleep." He said nonchalantly.
"And did you catch any sleep?"
"Nope." He puts on a smile. "I had 3 hours of sleep." He added.
"At least you got some sleep." I comment. Soobin stopped smiling.
"Did you have another one?" He asks, referring to the nightmares.
"No." I sigh. "I just couldn't sleep. Actually there was a note written in blood on my door." I say casually.
"What?" Soobin gives me a weird look.
"Oh yeah, I'm not even joking. I literally called the cops last night to check it out." Soobin gave me a worried look.
"Oh my God, are you alright?" He asks as he put a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head. "Damn..." He says as he puts his hands into his pockets. "Hey, how bout I buy you breakfast?" He said.
"Soobin, you don't have to do that."
"No worries, it's the least I can do." We soon ordered and waited for our food and drinks. Once we got them, Soobin and I exited the cafe and headed back to the campus.
"So I heard that the school hired a new professor." Soobin said as walked.
"Really? For what class?"
"Don't know." Soobin shrugged. "I think it was one of the literature classes, but I may be wrong."
"Hmm." I nod. We soon get back onto campus and go our separate ways. I head over to my Eastern Asian studies class. When I walked in I took a seat down towards the middle of the second row. I got out a mechanical pencil and waited for the class to start. As I waited, students kept filing into the class and took their seats. The bell rung and the period had eventually started. But there was something wrong. The professor wasn't there. Some of us looked around with confusion while others decided to take out their phones. It was really strange. We all waited about ten minutes before the door to the classroom opened. But this wasn't our professor, it was Hoseok, one of the very men that held me captive in that mansion eight months ago.
"Sorry I'm late."

Hoseok's POV:

I bet you weren't expecting me. Not so soon anyway. Ah, but let's get on with the story shall we?
It was a Saturday night when I broken into a house that belonged to a man by the name of Professor Mitchell Weinberg. He was a history professor, single, age 56. Now you may be wondering why I broke into this innocent man's home. Well, you'll just have to find out.

I sat in his living room with no lights on and waited for the owner of the house to return. I heard the front door open and soon quickly closed. He was here. I heard him set a bag down on a table before he walked into his living room and turned on the lights. He froze when he saw me, and I just sat on his sofa calmly. The man started to back away slowly before making a run for the door, but I was much too fast for him. I appeared in front of the professor and he stopped in his tracks. Fear was written all over his face.
"Hmm." I squint at the man. "I wonder how I should kill you." I said as I rubbed my chin.
"Wh-what?" The Professor took a step back.
"Oh don't worry, I still haven't decided yet." I laugh a little.
"Who are you? Do I owe you or something?" The man ask frantically.
"No." I shake my head calmly. "You don't, I just need to take your place that's all." I lean over slightly. "Now should I just snap your neck or should I tare out your throat?" I ask myself as I observe the fearful human. The professor tried to make another run for it, but I grabbed his wrist before he could.
"Gnah!" The man grunted as he tried to pull out of my grip.
"I think I'll just tare it out, make them discover your corpse faster." I began to laugh. I then grab the old man by his shoulders and pulled him towards me. "Any last words?" I ask. The man didn't say anything so I began to rip into his neck. He began to scream violently and flailed his arms around in attempt to stop me, but it was no use. I bit down deeper into his neck and drink a little more of his blood before I rip out his throat and push his dying body to the floor. I looked at my work and smiled, licking the blood from my fingers and watching the man's eyes turn lifeless. I soon left the house, making sure none of my finger prints or any evidence that would link me to this crime. I could hear the now deceased professor's neighbors call 911, telling the operator that they heard screaming coming from the professor's home. I decided it was time for me to take my leave and get changed before anyone noticed me.

At this point in time I was staying in a lovely apartment that accommodated all my needs. I had entered through the window so that no one could see me in my bloody clothes. I hopped down into my apartment before taking off my bloodied shirt. I then start to hear a small buzzing sound coming from my phone. I picked it and saw it was Yoongi calling, so I answered.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you finish the job?" Yoongi asks on the other line.

"Yep, he's dead, and I'm ready to move on to the next phase."

"Perfect." Yoongi said with a satisfied tone. "My underling is also ready to go. All we have to do is wait."

"Alright, I'll see you next week."

"Indeed." Yoongi then hung up.

It was now time for me to replace the professor at his job. I had already compelled the college staff that I was their newest professor. Word was kept quiet about Professor Weinberg's murder, and only a couple people, including myself, know who actually killed him. I had purposely came in late to my class. I wanted them to be surprised, and surprised they were, especially Y/N.

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