New Discoveries

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Your POV:

Taehyun brought back three blood bags from the truck, and put them in the mini fridge. Hyungkai still wasn't awake, and Beomgyu fell asleep. Taehyun, and Jungkook sat on the opposite bed from Beomgyu and I, waiting for Hyungkai to wake up.
"When he regains consciousness, I'm going to take Y/N back to her dorm." Jungkook said. Taehyun didn't seem to like that plan.
"But what about Hyungkai? What if he loses control again?" Taehyun asks, causing Jungkook to sigh.
"Then snap his neck and take him back to the house, and call me if it does happen." Jungkook crossed his arms.
"But what about Beomgyu?" I asked, causing Jungkook laugh a little.
"So many questions for such little problems." He says before making eye contact with me. "Y/N, I don't think Beomgyu is in any danger now. Jimin and Yoongi are only after you, there not going to come after Beomgyu unless he's in their way." Jungkook smiles softly. "Beomgyu will be okay, I assure you." This actually made me more concerned. But all I did was nod. "Now, we need to discuss a new game plan." Jungkook changes the subject.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that we need to figure out how to keep Yoongi and Jimin away from you. Now that Jimin and Yoongi's little pet know you're here, they'll surly try to get me out of the way, and if that happens, you need to know what to do, and how to get away from them, and how to protect yourself if you can't get away." He explained. I look down at the floor and began to ponder. Jungkook was once again right, because he's not always going to be there to protect me.
"Okay," I nod. "What should I do?"
Jungkook's face lights up a little knowing that I'm in agreement.
"Well, if I'm not around, and you see Yoongi, Jimin or Soobin, then you should head towards a highly populated place and make a scene if you have to. If that's not an option then you're going to have to protect yourself another way." Jungkook stood up and started to shuffle through the pocket of his coat.
"But how?" I ask. Jungkook didn't answer and kept searching his pockets.
"Ah! Fuck!" Jungkook flinched his hand out of one of the pockets.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" I stand up.
"Yeah." He answers. "I just keep forgetting I don't have gloves on." Jungkook laugh a little. His right hand was slightly red, as though he was just lightly burned.
"What happened?" I ask as I examine his hand.
"It's nothing." Jungkook laugh. "Just the rosary in my pocket." He explained.
"What?" I give him a puzzled look.
"But Jungkook, that burns you." Taehyun comments.
Jungkook looks from behind.
"Taehyun, I know." Jungkook looks back at me. "A rosary, it's a necklace that has a cross and occasionally an engraving of the Virgin Mary attached to it." He clarified.
Jungkook smiles.
"Take it out of my pocket, I can't touch it without it burning me."
"How'd you get it in there in the first place?" I raise an eyebrow while taking the rosary from his pocket.
"I had gloves, I just forgot them in the truck." His response caused Taehyun and I to laugh.
"Hyung, you're an idiot." Taehyun laughs.
"Yeah yeah whatever." Jungkook brushes off Taehyun's comment before looking back to me. "Anyway, keep that on you. If I'm not around and Yoongi or anyone else tries to attack you then try burning them with the rosary, okay?" He raises both eyebrows.
"Okay." I say as I put the rosary around my neck.
"I would hug you but I don't want to get burned again." Jungkook Jungkook smiles sweetly as he rubs the back of his head.
"Does a hand hug work?" I tilt my head a little. Jungkook continues to smile as he holds up his hand.
"Sure." He says, and I put my hand to his and our thumbs hugged for a good three seconds.

Hoseok's POV:

After two hours I finally dismissed my last class before lunch. However, there was a certain student that had decided to stick around, which annoyed me slightly. His name was Yeonjun, an excellent student in my class, and would often comment on certain topics. He waited for the last student to leave before he spoke a word to me.
"Professor Jung?" He said as he went up to my desk.
"Yes?" I make eye contact with the boy as I cleared off my desk, he was clearly nervous when he spoke to me.
"I...I...wanted to ask..." He looks around his shoulder. "Have you noticed the marks on some of the girls necks?"
I stopped for a second.
"Marks?" I raise an eyebrow.
"The two marks," he reiterated. "on the neck." Yeonjun traced two of his fingers over his jugular.
"Now that you mentioned it, I have." I admit as I rub my chin. "Strange." I mumbled.
"You wouldn't happen to know why that is do you?" He questions.
"Well...there could be a few possibilities. My first guess would be that it's related to the recent murders." I act as though I didn't know, but if I'm honest, I think the kid is on to me.
"That's a little concerning." Yeonjun looks down to the ground.
"It is isn't it?" I comment. "Yeonjun," I put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up. "It's probably nothing, so don't worry about it." I give a reassuring smile. The boy nods and smiles back.
"Okay then, I was just wondering."
"Alright then." I take my hand off him and he began to walk towards the door, but turned back to me.
"I'll see you tomorrow Professor Jung." He waved.
"Okay, stay safe." I waved back as Yeonjun exits my class. My smile soon faded to a look of suspicion. "Hmm...this should be interesting."
Now, you may be wondering why I didn't just compel him to forget about the bite marks. I did it because I'm interested in finding out what this student of mine is up to, what he knows, and what he plans on doing with this information.

Your POV:

Hyungkai finally opened his eyes 45 minutes after Taehyun snapped his neck. Taehyun and Jungkook stood over him as he awoke
"Huh, Taehyun...? Jungkook...? What happened?" He said weakly as he looked around. "Did I do it again?" Hyungkai frowned. Both Taehyun and Jungkook nodded slowly. "Damn it..." He sighed. "Hyung...I'm sorry." He said to Jungkook. "I'm trying, I really am." Hyungkai sounded as though he wanted to cry. Jungkook just gave him a look of disappointment.
"It happens to the best of us." Jungkook said before turning around to go outside. But before he did, he beckoned me to follow.

Once Jungkook and I were out in the hall he began to walk towards the staircase, not saying a word. We descended down the stairs and then outside into the cold snowy campus.
"Y/N?" He stopped. "Can I have a moment with you?" He looks back to me with a small soft smile.
"Yeah, sure." I nod. Jungkook then start to lead me towards the back of the male dormitory, where the building shaded us from the sun. He stopped and turned to me.
"Do you trust me?" He asks sincerely.
"Um...well you haven't done anything to make me not trust you." I was a little surprised by the question.
"Then can you take off that rosary for a moment and put it into your pocket?" He smiles sheepishly. This request made me slightly anxious, but I trust that he wouldn't hurt me if I did take off the rosary. Reluctantly, I took off the rosary like Jungkook asked and put it into my pocket. Once my hand was fully out of my pocket, Jungkook pinned me to the brick wall and began pressing his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and became entranced with this sudden sign of affection. He kept kissing me passionately, only staying by my lips and never moving towards my neck. I couldn't believe what was happening, was this real? When did this happen?
Jungkook began to slide his hands down my waist and move me closer to him, and I didn't resist. His right hand slid down to my butt, and I began to feel a bulge below my waist. Before we went any further, Jungkook slowed his kissing and stopped. He looked at me and smiled with his sparkling doe eyes in amazement, as if he just expressed his true feelings for the first time.

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