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Yoongi's POV:

The apartment was dark with the curtains covering the window. It was quite, and all I could hear were the cars and the people outside, and the fading heartbeat of a human girl that I had just fed from. I was both hungry and bored, so I went out for a snack. She just sat on the floor, leaning her back up against the chair I sat on, barely alive.

Jimin soon walked in and slammed the door. His face full of fumes.
"Everything okay Jimin?" I asked as he walked past me.
"No." He said angrily as he went to his room. I hate seeing Jimin like this, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
"Jimin come on out." I called from the living room. "Let's talk about it." It was quite again, but after a few seconds his door opens, and he walks over and sat on the couch in front of me with a pouty face, his head hanging low. "What happened?"
"I saw her." Jimin said as he crossed his arms. "She was right in front of me." He explained.
"And what happened?"
"Jungkook." Jimin looked me straight in the eye.
"Jungkook..." I mumbled. This surprised me a little, but I had a feeling Jungkook would end up in this mess at some point. "What is he doing here?" I asked, like this news didn't even phase me.
"He's protecting her, keeping her all to himself." Jimin said with frustration. "And that BASTARD," Jimin slammed his hand on the coffee table. "HAD THE AUDACITY TO GRAB ME BY THE NECK AND THROW ME SEVERAL FEET IN THE AIR!" Jimin yelled with rage, his eyes, visibly red. I took a deep breath and sat back in my chair.
"Well that's just unacceptable." I say calmly. "We're going to have to plan around him then." I close my eyes and began to think. 'If Jungkook is protecting Y/N then this makes things a little more difficult. I'll have to take him out myself then. Jimin's too full of emotion to fight. But maybe I could get Soobin to help.' I open my eyes. "Don't worry Jimin." I say as I stood up to pat his shoulder. "I'll take care of him." I give him a smirk of confidence. Jimin continued to look me straight in the eye. "Now, if you want," I picked the human girl up and help support her to stand. "You can have some fun with this girl, or we can go out for something else."
Jimin looks at the girl, scanning up from head to toe.
"She looks pretty drained already, it wouldn't be as fun." He continues to pout.
"So out then?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah, just finish her off and then we'll pick something up nearby." Jimin waves his hand in a shooing manner as he looks towards the door. I shrug before lifting the girl up. I take one bite from her neck and proceed to drink what blood was left in her, before tossing her now lifeless body on the ground. I cleaned the blood from my face before Jimin and I left.

We went a few blocks away from our apartment, near a popular cafe. It's probably one of the easiest places to pick up a meal. Jimin and I waited outside, looking as though we're in a conversation. But really, we were just scouting out our prey. I noticed three girls walking into the cafe. I tapped Jimin on the arm to let him know. We both head into the cafe and get in line to order, looking inconspicuous. Though, one of the girls seemed to have noticed us. Instead of showing fear, she showed a clear sign of attraction and made sure to let her friends know. Jimin and I gave them a few glances and smiled.
"I want the blonde one." Jimin said quietly.
"Of course, just make sure Soobin has something eat." Jimin frowned when I said that.
"What are you going to do with him when we're finished?" Jimin asked. This was something I haven't actually thought about. For the longest time I've wanted to sire someone. Now that I have, I don't have anything else planned. Soobin knows how to blend into society very well, which makes me feel like he doesn't need me anymore. But on the other hand, he's completely loyal and obedient, almost to a fault.
"Truth is that I don't know what I'm going to do with him." I answer. "I got what I wanted, and there's not much else to it." I shrug. This seemed to concern Jimin a little, but he wasn't going to focus on it too much.
"So we'll get some coffee and compel the girls."
"Yep." I said, and we did just that.

Jimin and I got our coffee and went over to the Three college students. All of them, especially the curly blonde seemed exited. I took charge and compelled the three girls, they couldn't resist. Jimin and I both lead them back to our apartment, the girls had no idea what was going on, they were just going along with it, not even questioning how our eyes changed color.

Once we got inside, Jimin pounced on the blonde and began to kiss her. I told the other two girls to sit down and wait. Jimin stopped his kissing and looked at me, smiling.
"You don't mind if we get intimate right?" He asks. I just gave him a smirk.
"What ever makes you happy." I said. Jimin and the blonde got up and went into one of the bedrooms. I didn't care if I could hear them, I'm used to it because Hoseok and Taehyung have done it so many times.

The other two girls sat there, confused. They didn't know what was going on, and I had the feeling that they beginning to get scared. Soobin finally walked in, he wore a very concerning expression.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." I comment. Soobin nodded but kept avoiding eye contact.
"Y-Yoongi...?" He stuttered. "I found her..." He said nervously. "B-but someone's protecting her, someone you mi-"
"Jungkook." I cut him off. Soobin looked at me with wide eyes.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"Jimin saw him as well." I answered, tilting my head a little. Soobin started to look a little less worried. "I'm guessing you almost had her as well?"
"Don't worry." I stood up. "I'll handle Jungkook." I say as I went to pat Soobin's shoulder. "For now, just enjoy one of these girls." I gesture to the couch. Soobin looks over to the girls then back to me with a small reassured smile. "I don't care if you do what Jimin's doing. Just relax for a bit, I'll figure something out." I smile back at Soobin.
"Thank you Yoongi." He said with a nod. Soobin then turned his attention to the two scared girls and smirked. "You look like a tasty meal to me." He said as he grabbed the dark skinned girl, who tried to pull away but couldn't. Soobin wrapped one arm around her waist and grabbed her chin with his other hand. His eyes began to turn a yellowish gold before he said "You're going to do exactly what I say." Soobin's eyes turn back to their natural brown. He then took the compelled girl into one of the other bedrooms and began his fun.

It was now just me and the brunette girl. I gave her a smirk while she gave terrified eyes in return.
"So it's just you and me now." I say before pinning her down on the couch chuckling. "Guess it's our turn for some fun."

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