BamBam crawled over to get his speaker, turning it back on and searching his phone for the perfect song. "If you can do that then you can definitely twerk, try it again with the music."

"Like this?" Mark suddenly asked, drawing their attention over to him. None of them expected to see the innocent elder mimicking Jinyoung's perfect arch, his face nearly on the floor with his butt positioned high in the air. The sound of hitched breaths and hard swallows filled the room, the other three speechless while Mark was more focused on keeping himself balanced in that position. "A-Am I doing it right?"

"Jinyoung you sinful devil." Jackson muttered, the younger looking over at him with furrowed brows.

"The hell did I do?"

Jackson pointed at Mark, his eyes never leaving the elder's body. "You just showed him how to do that."

"You forced me to show him, so it's your fault." Jinyoung retorted.

"Anyway guys, twerking lesson over. Hey Mark, how about I take you to my bedroom and we practice that position together hm?" BamBam suggested as he gripped Mark by the arm and yanked him off the floor.

"O-Okay?" The eldest stuttered, stumbling to his feet.

"Hell no." Jackson quickly stood up and separated the two, holding onto Mark and pushing BamBam away. "He's mine for today because we're hanging out. Remember, it's a no sex day."

"No sex day? Why is that?" Mark asked.

Jackson waved away the question. "Don't worry about it Mark, me and you are gonna have fun."

BamBam had forgotten about that, the reminder making him roll his eyes. "Jackson, after witnessing Mark with his face down and ass up, I don't trust you anywhere near him without things getting sexual."

"Unlike you I have perfect self control." Jackson stated, sticking his tongue out at the younger like a child.

"Says the one who took Mark's virginity in the first place since he had little to no self control whatsoever." Jinyoung mumbled.

Jackson glared at him, sighing in annoyance. "Shut up. C'mon Mark get washed up, be read in an hour so we can leave these two to their dirty minds."

Mark and Jackson walked off together, leaving Jinyoung and BamBam alone once again.

BamBam shook his head, wondering how Jackson could be so two faced. "Look at him, acting like a saint."

"He's so annoying." Jinyoung muttered, his arms folded over his chest.

"Right?" BamBam agreed. The younger sat back down on the floor next to Jinyoung, grabbing his phone and his speaker. "Anyway um... do you think you could teach me how to do that?"

"Do what?" Jinyoung asked, his eyes widening as BamBam's eyes flashed down to his butt then back up to his face. "Wait seriously? The arch? Bam that just comes naturally to me, I don't know how to teach you to do it."

The younger scoffed, taking unnecessary offence from the statement. "Oh, so you're such a whore that you know how to get in that position in less than two seconds? Or does Daddy Jackson have you on a tight leash, pet?"

Jinyoung shoved the younger's shoulder, his ears burning red with slight embarrassment from the teasing. "You're just jealous I got the fatter ass and the better arch. No wonder I get fucked more than you do."

"Oh be quiet, at least I can twerk, you move like a grandpa with a bad back." BamBam retorted.

Jinyoung hummed, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt to show off his muscular arm. "Y'know, I'm still open to introducing you to fisting? I have a good feeling I can get my forearm all the way in there."

BamBam choked, his eyes examining Jinyoung's arm and quickly deciding that he didn't want all of that in him. He had a flashback to what he saw when he accidentally walked in on Jinyoung and Youngjae together; that was a bit too intense for him. "Um, n-no thanks..."

Jinyoung smiled and nodded, pulling his sleeve back down. "Good. So let's finish the twerking lesson okay? I want Jaebum to buy me a dance pole and the only way I can convince him to is to show him that I know how to use one. I need to seduce him and twerking is essential in this."

The reasoning was a bit weird, but BamBam didn't really care, as he was interested in the dance pole as well. "Only if I get to use it too."

Jinyoung frowned, not expecting that response at all. "For what?"

BamBam shrugged. "As a hobby. Pole dancers are in great shape."

"Oh. I was just gonna use it to take nudes with. But fine, since you'll have good use with it, I'll share it with you." Jinyoung agreed, putting out his hands towards the younger.

BamBam grinned, taking Jinyoung's hand and shaking it. "Deal!"


(*this was somewhat(?) just another filler chapter because I have to think about where I want the story to go from here huuuu. Like I think I know what I want but i have to get to that point first if that makes sense?? Lol idk sorry, but Mark knows how to arch properly now! XD Wait omg I just randomly thought about this since the pole was just supposed to be something randomly mentioned once and never again but— MarkGyeom pole dancing lessons? 😭*)

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