Chapter 7: Samus's Last Stand

Start from the beginning

It was Cloud's Buster Sword.
"I thought you said you didn't have any weapons?" Isabelle asked.
Cloud sighed. "Yeah. I did"
"I don't understand" she replied.
"Yeah! What's the big whoop!?" Junior shouted.
Cloud saw there was really no other choice, but to tell them.

Samus opened her eyes. Where was she? She appeared to be in one of the hallways of the resistance base with a light barely illuminating the roof above her, but something was off. She began walking down the hallway, which seemed to have no end to its darkness. In fact, it didn't even seem like she was moving, as the light nor the decor around her changed positions. Despite this she kept moving, and eventually she ran into something. It was a red cap. Not just any red cap. Mario's red cap. She went to it and picked it up.
It was covered in a liquid. It wasn't blood, since the liquid neither looked the color nor smelled the familiar metallic smell. It was different. It was a horrible stench. It smelled like the sewage pipes of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Suddenly, another light illuminated a spot farther down the hallway. There was a figure in the spotlight. It was Mario, and he was facing away from Samus. Samus ran to him, but before she could reach him, Mario turned around with speed. His face had a terrifying look of pain and terror, making Samus stop dead in her tracks. Mario then fell to the floor. He began whispering something, in a begging stance.
Then, his legs turned green.
Then his body. Then his arms. Then his head.
He looked up at the confused, scared Samus, and gave her a smile.

Samus woke up with fright. She looked around at her dark room. "Damn nightmares" Samus said to herself. She then froze as she realized she had said that out loud, as she didn't want to wake up Orange, who was still sleeping peacefully next to her. Samus rubbed her eyes and got up slowly to the bathroom. As she washed her face, she saw something in the mirror, and quickly whipped around, activating her blaster.
She was greeted by nothing.
She sighed, deactivating the cannon, and silencing the mechanical whirs.
Samus needed some air.

February 1st, 2010, 2 years after The Subspace Invasion

Samus was on top of Peach's castle. She sat on a ledge and watched as towns began to grow around the forests, and meadows, and well everywhere. She then got out a cigarette and began lighting it.
"Tsk tsk tsk"
Samus looked back to see Princess Peach approaching her.
"Hey Peach"
"Pleasure to have you here Samus, but you know, if Master Hand catches you smoking, you could be reprimanded?"
"Heh. I know. But it is a good stress reliever"
Peach shakes her head.
"I for one, agree with Master Hand's no smoking rule, especially when it comes with you, after all, you have a absolutely gorgeous body that you shouldn't throw away for a cigarette!"
"Why would I need a "gorgeous body"?" Samus asked.
Peach looked at her with a growing smug smile.
Samus laughed.
"Jeez Peach, you're perverted as hell"
"I prefer "Stimulation Scavenger" and besides, Tobacco is horrible! Did you know, Tobacco causes AIDS?" Peach responded.
Samus began snickering as she was holding back from going into a complete laughing fit.
"That's terrible!" Samus responded sarcastically
"I guess I should throw this out!"
Peach laughed while nodding, sitting next to her.
Although Samus didn't get rid of the cigarette, she kept it away from her mouth, in Peach's presence.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Peach asked.
"My toads have been hard at work rebuilding everything that was destroyed and making them better. They are as loyal as they are obsessed with Mushroom Soup."
Samus snickered.
"Yeah hehe. Where's Mario by the way?"
"Where hasn't he been honestly?" Peach responded
"He's been in different places rebuilding, going on rescue missions, meeting fans, fighting off remaining soldiers, and assisting Master Hand with the construction of Smash Manor. He's taking a nap right now in my room. I swear, that man is gonna kill me with how much I worry about him."
Samus smiled.
"Guess that's what love does to people."

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