Chapter Eighteen~Losing A Trick

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Me and Thor burst through a a golden door, I am thrown off by the scene before me, Odin Thor's dad safe, Laufey and two frost giants dead, Frigga Thor's mom regarding Loki the charmer with pride and respect.

Stunned and delighted to see Thor, Frigga beams.


She moves to Thor and hugs him, but Thor's and I's eyes remain fixed on his brother. Loki looks at Mjolnir Thor's Hammer in his hand. "Found its way back to you, did it?" ask Loki.

"No thanks to you." I say, this is when Frigga and Loki notice me. She picks up on the tension building between her sons. "What?" she ask "Why don't you tell her? How you sent the Destroyer to kill our          friends? To kill us?" says Thor.

Frigga looks to Loki, alarmed and confused. I step towards her "I'm so sorry about this, I'm from....what was it Midgard, the names Spirt, Thor had me come to help." I didn't want Loki to know that I was Illisha, I don't know why I didn't want him to know.

"It must have been enforcing Father's last command." says Loki, AHHHHHHH!!!!! My eyes are turning blue I can FEEL IT!!!!!!!!! "You're a talented liar, Thor says you always have been." I say.

"It's good to have you back. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to destroy Jotunheim." Loki suddenly raises Gungnir, fires it point-blank at Thor. Thor goes flying backwards, smashing through the chamber          walls, and Thor plummets from the palace.

I hold up my hands to Loki, blasting him back twice, he goes to blast me I spin disappearing, and he bolts out of there. I spin once more reappearing, I help the queen to her feet "Your highness are you alright." she nods "Yes just my sons, Thor! Loki!" I help her sit down on the bed next to Odin.

I take off my mask "Okay, my names not Spirt it's Illisha I got....I don't know Loki knows my real name but he doesn't know the mask."

I relive something "He doesn't know the mask. I can hide." Frigga looks confused "I gotta go don't worry I'll make this right." I say clicking my heels and flying out of the room.


Thor soars on the winds above the Rainbow Bridge, the Bifrost energy roaring through Bridge, feeding into the Observatory. I fly next to him as we land before the Observatory's huge doorway.

We shield our eyes from the brilliant light of the          Bifrost energy blasting towards Jotunheim. I look over to the controls, sees that they're frozen in an          enormous block of ice. Loki stands atop it. "All these years, and no one's ever dared to use it as a weapon."

Thor hurries to the ice, raises his hammer to smash through it to get to the controls frozen within. Before he can, Loki fires Gungnir. The blast hits the ice in front of Thor, blasting him back across the floor. Loki steps down from the ice as Thor staggers to his feet.

"You can't stop it. The Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart." "Why have you done this?" ask Thor "To do what Father never could. To destroy their kind forever. When he awakens, he'll see the wisdom of what I've done." says Loki.

"He won't! You can't kill an entire race!" I shout hoping he might listen to me. "What is this newfound love for the Frost Giants? You, who would have killed them all with your bare hands."

"I've changed."

"So have I." Loki hits Thor across the face with Gungnir. "Fight me." He swings Gungnir at Thor again. I fly in and catch it in my hand, I hold it as Thor rears back his hammer as if ready to return the blow, but instead takes to the air and flies past Loki, back towards the frozen controls. Loki spins around, throwing me off, aims Gungnir, and fires a blast which immobilizes Thor in the air. He hangs there, suspended. "Is the throne really worth what          you've done? What you would become?"

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