Chapter Five~Natalie, Such An Act

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I can't believe Tony has boxing ring in his house, I sit on a chair outside the ring trying to set up my phone. "Hey how do I call someone with this thing?" I ask.

Tony and Happy are boxing, so it's a little hard for Tony to answer "Set up a profile and add that persons number, you still got Rhodeys number on you?" I pull up my sleeve and look at my wrist "Yeah."

"Well make him a profile."

I look at the phone and enter his number and name. "Okay I did it." Tony stops for a second to face me "Great, now I want you to make the phone disappear." I look from him to the phone "Okay?" I close my eyes and open them feeling but seeing nothing in my hands "Great now hold it like that for an.....hour and a half."

.....WHAT?! "Hour and a half?!" I scream "If you can make yourself invisible for about 45 to 50 minutes, you should be able to make a phone disappear for an hour and a half. What was the thing you said, just don't think about it." and he goes back to boxing. Pepper walks in.

"The notary's here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" she ask annoyed. "I'm on happy time." says Tony as he hits Happy in the face with his elbow "Sorry."

"What the hell was that?"

"It's called mixed martial arts. It's been around for three weeks."

"It's called dirty boxing, there's nothing new about it!" I shout "See!" shouts Happy.

"All right, put them up. Come on." says Tony as woman walks in. Both Happy and Tony's attention shifts to her, I stand and walk over still holding the phone in my hand. "I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." says Pepper.

"I need you to initial each box." says the women, I turn back to the two men. Happy taps Tony on the back of the head with a light punch, not enough to hurt him "Lesson one. Never take your eye off..." 

Tony kicks him and he goes crashing into the corner of the ring.  "That's it. I'm done. What's your name lady?" ask Tony. "Rushman. Natalie Rushman." says the women turning to Tony, I don't know what it was but there was something about her that seemed like a performance.

"Front and centre. Come into the church." says Tony.

Pepper gives him the look and sighs "No. You're seriously not gonna ask..."

"If it pleases the court, which it does."

"It's no problem." says Natalie to Pepper and I.

"I'm sorry. He's very eccentric." says Pepper.

Natalie enters ring. Tony swigs down more green liquid out of a bottle, is that green stuff supposed to make the toxins in his blood go down or something? Tony steps out of ring and towards us. The two sit down "Who is she?"

"She is from legal. And she is potentially a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling her like that." warns Pepper. "I need a new assistant, boss." says Tony. "You've got one." says Pepper pointing to me, Tony looks as me I shake my head no "She's not an assistant." says Tony. 

"THEN WHAT DID SHE DO!!!! calm down calm down Pepper. Yes, and I've got three excellent potential candidates. They're lined up and ready to meet you." she says.

"I don't have time to meet. I need someone now. I feel like it's her."

"No it's not." says Pepper. Board listening to there conversation I turn to look at Natalie and Happy. What was it about her that throws me off, if my eyes could tint blue for hologram they would for her I know it!

"What, like, the Tae Bo? Booty Boot Camp? Crunch? Something like that?" ask Happy. Natalie's face shows brief annoyance at his statement before Tony distracts her "How do I spell your name, Natalie?"


Natalie looking over, hearing what Tony is saying, Happy sees this and starts again "Rule number one, never take your eyes off your opponent." He goes to take a swing, she grabs his hand and flips him over, legs over his head.

My mouth drops, yup no way she's not hiding something, maybe I could ask her to tech me a thing or two one time. "That's what I'm talking about. Looks like a TKO to me. " he rings a bell while Natalie leaves ring.

"Just... I need your impression." she says.

"You have a quiet reserve. I don't know, you have an old soul." starts Tony, she holds up a paper. "She meant your fingerprint." I say. Tony look from me to Natalie "Right."

"So, how are we doing?" ask Pepper.

"Great. Just wrapping up here. Hey. You're the boss." says Tony.

"Will that be all, Mr Stark?" ask Natalie


"Yes, that will be all, Ms Rushman. Thank you very much." says Pepper, Natalie leaves I look at Tony not paying attention and follow her out the door, walking next to her.

She looks over at me then straight ahead once more, from her stand point I might look like I was checking her out, but in my eyes I was sorta scanning her and I knew she was hiding something, her badge of who she was, is cloaked.

Natasha Romanoff

Pretty close to Natalie Rushman I mean come on. 


Okay what's that, maybe I should just ask, she can't kill me Tony would sue probably.....right? Well here goes nothing "So what doses S.H.E.I.L.D stand for?" I ask. She stops in her tracks "What not gonna-"


I'm on the ground and she's on top of me pinning me down "How do you know about that?" well I didn't expect her to do this "Answer me!"

"Okay god I read it on your badge."

She looks at me like I was crazy "My badge says Natalie Rushman." I nod "So I see Natasha Romanoff!" he stretches my arms "Your lying." I takes my foot and push her off, we both stand her with both her fist up, no way was I fighting a freaking spy!

"No I'm not." she throughs a punch I spin out of the way, in the process of spinning I disappear "What the?"

 Her guard is still up as I hit her in the arm, she looks around like she's seen a ghost, until her face turns to one of realization "Do you happen to be from Harpers Ferry?" ask Natasha.

I reappear behind her "How do you know that?" I ask, she turns around letting her guard down "Going through some old files, came across a video of someone who could disappear and cast illusions."

I step forward "As well as see through others, I saw through you." I explain, she nods and holds out her hand "Natasha, you won't tell Tony about this will you?" I shake her hand "Illisha, as long as you don't tell anyone else, only you, Tony, and Happy know."

Natasha nods "Got a phone?" I nod "Yeah here." I hold out my hand the phone appearing "The phone was there the whole time, Mr. Starks having me practice." she nods taking the phone she makes profile and puts her number in.

"There you go see you around."

"See you around." she leaves, and I turn to walk back to Tony and Happy.


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