Chapter Seventeen~The Destroyer

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Darcy, me, and Eric sit at a card table, drinking coffee. Thor holds a couple plates as Jane makes eggs on a hotplate. She scoops them out onto the plates. Thor takes them over to the table, sets them down before Eric, me, and Darcy.

Jane joins us at the card table with a couple more plates. She and Thor sit with us and we start to eat our breakfast, looking like a little family. "Thank you guys for letting me stay, I really like all of you, my new friends." I say, Thor nods and puts a hand on my shoulder "As you are my friend Illisha." he says.

"Back to what I was saying I got no proof-"


We turn to the sliding door.

"Found you!"

A women and three men dressed like vikings, staring happily at the sight of Thor drying dishes. Jane drops a plate. It goes shattering on the floor.

"My friends!" says Thor as he happily races over and greets his comrades. We all watch the people from across the room. Jane looks concerned. Eric and Darcy eye them with wonder. And I look on with excitement "I don't believe it..." starts Eric.

"Who are they?" ask Dracy.

"Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Surely you've heard tales of Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing, and I, Volstagg the Svelte?" says the one named Volstagg, Eric looks pointedly at Volstagg's massive gut. "Well, perhaps I've put on a little more muscle since I was here last."

I laugh in delight and then realize "That would have been a thousand years ago? Northern Europe?" I ask "Exactly! Those lovely herring people. They worshipped us!" says Volstagg.

Thor grins, lays a hand on Volstagg's shoulder. "My friends, I've never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come." says Thor "We're here to take you home." says Fandral, I see Jane react to the news of Thor leaving. "You know I can't. My father is           dead because of me. I must remain in exile." says Thor, he turns to me for confirmation.

Why are you throwing me in this, I nod "I heard it all."

The other Asgardians? I believe that's what Thor called them exchange puzzled looks. "Thor... your father still lives." says Sif.

Me and Thor react to this revelation, "What?!" we ask. Just then a flash of bright light, all of us run out side, my phone rings I put it on speaker "Coulson?!" I ask.

"Yeah it's me has Stark made any bots lately with spikes on the shoulders?"

"Tony doesn't like spikes, says there to out of age." and he hangs up "Bot?" I ask, it dawns on me "Somethings coming."

Townspeople fill the streets, staring at the fire fight in the distance. Thor, the Asgardians, and I prepare for a fight, as Thor turns to Jane.                         "Leave this town now. Get yourself and your friends to safety."

"What about you?"

"I must stay and fight." The Asgardians look to Thor. "I'm still a warrior, and I will fight by your side, but also help get others to safety." me, Thor, Jane, Selvig, and Darcy start to herd the crowd of          Townsfolk off the streets, as the Warriors Three and Sif head across town, towards a bot of massive proportions.

I stop Thor "I have to fight Thor." he puts a hand on my shoulder and nods "You will but we need help." I look between the worries and Thor, and nod.

Thor looks anxiously back down the street, where the Warriors Three get into position before the Destroyer as Thor called it. I turn to see Sif leap off a nearby rooftop with her two-headed spear and          plunges it deep into the back of the creature.          The creature stands there motionless, the fire dimming in its faceplate, Sif standing atop its back. The Asgardians have a brief moment of hope.

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