Chapter Nine~A New Heart

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I takes a breath as me and Tony snap the last piece of the lay out for the Expo into place, "You drive all the way out to Pepper breaking the rule of leaving, to get this?" I ask. 

He nods "Jarvis, could you kindly Vac-U-Form a digital wire frame? I need a manipulatable projection." he says, a blue glow comes around the lay out, scanning it. "1974 Stark Expo model scan complete, sir."

I look over it "1974, this is your dads lay out?" I ask, he nods once again as he lifts the blue projection away from the model "How many buildings are there?" ask Tony.

"Am I to include the Belgium waffle stands?" ask J.A.R.V.I.S.

"Very funny." I say and click my fingers and the model begins to spin and lifts upright "What does that look like to you Spirt?" ask Tony, I walk over "Not unlike an atom. In which case the nucleus would be here." I say pointing to the globe "Highlight the ionosphere. Lose the footpaths. Get rid of them." says Tony.

"What is it you're trying to achieve?" ask J.A.R.V.I.S.

"We are discovering... Correction. We are rediscovering a new element, I believe. Lose the landscaping, the shrubbery, the trees." Tony flicks things away "Parking lots, exits, entrances. Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework. Dad." 

The model now resembles a nucleus and Tony expands it. "Dead for almost 20 years, and still taking us to school." I say, Tony snaps down so the model fits in his hand "The proposed element should serve as a viable replacement for palladium." says J.A.R.V.I.S.

Yes......YES!!!!!!! I smile, Tony's gonna live!

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to synthesize." says J.A.R.V.I.S, well all my hopes have shattered before my eyes or have they, I smile "Wanna make the impossible Tony?" I ask.

"Get ready for a major remodel, fellas. We're back in hardware mode." says Tony excited.


Smashing walls with sledge hammers!

Drilling holes in the floor!

Fiddling with wires!

Putting together pipes!

What can I say the house was already a wreck!

I wrench a bolt into place "There's no way to concentrate the light!" shouts Tony, dang! He was right unless "What about using a prism?"


"A prism, two sides make rainbows but one side can make concentrated light beam." I say, as Tony helps me up he points at me "You've been studying." I smile nodding "Why have you been studying?"

"A.P science, math, technolage, supernatural anomalies and myths for fun." Tony smiles "Your gonna finishes high school." 

"Actually, I only still need to pass the S.A.T, I'm going to graduate and go to collage." Tony holds out a fist bump, I smile returning it, just then Coulson enters "I heard you broke the perimeter."

"He did, yes he did." I say, Tony glares at me "Yeah. That was, like, three years ago. Where have you been?" 

"I was doing some stuff."

"Yeah, well, me too and it worked. Hey, I'm playing for the home team Coulson, you and all your Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Now, are you gonna let me work or break my balls?"

Coulson pulls a shield looking object out of a box "What's this doing here?"

"That's it. Bring that to me." says Tony.

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