Chapter Six~First Time Trying On A Mask

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The French Grand Prix, I can't believe I'm actually going to this event, and I can't believe Pepper actually got me to wear a blue summer dress with no sleeves. we were walking into a building, a beautiful grand building like nothing I've ever seen.

Happy is carrying a red suitcase for some reason. Tony looks to me "How you holding up?" he ask. "I just started the more the remind me the harder it is." I say, he nods "Just want to make sure not one can see it." I stop him and turn his neck to the side I wave my hand over it "And no one can, just stop talking about it or they will."

They continue to walk with Pepper and Happy "How long we're you able to hold it?" ask Tony referring to my illusions "On my phone twelve hours on myself about three to six hours." Tony smiles "It's getting better, J.A.R.V.I.S. is logging?"

I smile nodding "J.A.R.V.I.S. is logging."

"You know, it's Europe. Whatever happens the next 20 minutes, just go with it." says Tony as we walk into the building full of people, famous people "Go with it? Go with what?" ask Pepper.

Natasha walks over to escort us "Hey Nat." I say smiling, she smiles as well "Hello. How was your flight?"  "It was excellent. Boy, it's nice to see you." the four of us stop in front of a couple of cameras "We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind. Okay?" ask Natasha

"When did this happen?" ask Pepper.

"What? You made me do it. You quit. Smile. Look, right there. Stop acting constipated. Don't flare your nostrils." says Tony.

"Right this way." says Natasha as we begin to walk again "But that's unprofessional. What's on the docket?" ask Tony.

"You have a 9:30 dinner."

"Perfect. I'll be there at 11:00." says Tony as we walk up to a corner window table over looking the race. "Is this us?" ask Tony "It can be." says Natasha "Great. Make it us." and we walk over to the bar.

How dose Tony do this so fast it's amazing "Mr Musk. How are you?" ask Pepper, "Elon Musk?!" I ask, Tony nods "Hi, Pepper. Congratulations on the promotion." he says "Elon, how's it going. Those Merlin engines are fantastic." says Tony "Thank you. Yeah, I've got an idea for an electric jet." says Mr. Musk, "You do? Then we'll make it work, hey have you met my new apprentice yet?" ask Tony putting an arm around my shoulder "Um it's a pleasure to met you Mr. Musk." I say. "You to." he says.

Tony pushes me on as we walk to the bar. "Thank you very much." says Pepper walking over to us "Green is not your best color." says Tony to Pepper.

"Anthony. Is that you?" ask a familiar voice.

Oh no don't tell me it's Hammer.

"My least favourite person on Earth." whispers Tony I nod turning to see "Hey, pal."

"Justin Hammer." says Tony as Hammer pushes his way to us "How you doing? You're not the only rich guy here with a fancy car. You know Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair. You guys know each other?" ask Hammer as Christine walks over.

"Yes, roughly."

"My editor will kill me if I don't grab a quote for our Powerful Women issue. Can I?" ask Christine "Sure." says Pepper as Christine takes out a recorder.

"She's actually doing a big spread on me for Vanity Fair. I thought I'd throw her a bone, you know. Right?" says Hammer, "Well, aren't you the one who wrote the spread on Mr. Stark last year?" I ask.

"And she wrote a story as well." finishes Tony.

"It was very well done. I'm gonna go wash." says Pepper getting out of here.

"Don't leave me." says Tony "You got Illisha." says Pepper leaving. Hammer comes over and side hugs Tony "Hey, buddy. How you doing?"

"I'm all right."

"Looking gorgeous."

"Please, this is tough."

Hammer is posing for a camera while Tony replaces sunglasses and tries to escape I lean over to talk to Tony "Mr. Stark I think I need something to boost my blood sugar." I say, he looks to me worried "You okay?" he puts a hand to my head as if to check my temperature "I'm fine I just, something feels off with your or me." I explain. 

"Listen, is it the first time you've seen each other since the Senate?" ask Christine talking to me and Tony "Since he got his contract revoked..." starts Tony "Actually, it's on hold." explains Hammer, on hold okay dumb ass.

"...when you were attempting to...That's not what I heard. What's the difference between "hold and "cancelled"? The truth?" I ask Hammer, Tony looks at me respect in his eyes for standing up to Hammer.

"No. The truth is... Why don't we put that away? The truth is, I'm actually hoping to present something at your Expo." Hammer says to Tony/

"Well, if you invent something that works, I'll make sure I get you a slot." says Tony.

Natasha walks over "Mr Stark? Your corner table is ready." she says, Tony holds out his arm I take as to not lose my way "Should I take a test?" he ask, I nod "As long as I can take a break." I say.

We head into a small room and lock the door, Tony is doing another test. It reads Blood toxicity 53%. He lifts up his suit shirt, I wave my hand and look over it "There turning more blue Mr. Stark." 

he pulls his shirt back down "Why do you call me Mr. Stark?" I look at him confused "Because your my boss." I explain "Do I pay you?" he ask, I shake my head no "No, but you house me, feed me, teach me. You act like I'm your kid or something." 

Tony takes a little time to take this in "You said you needed sugar?" I nod "Go get yourself a chocolate milkshake or something sweet." says Tony "What about the crossword on your neck?" 

"I'll be fine if I move quick." he says leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"To exploit a bad idea!"

Well that doesn't sound good.

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