hey, have a cup of tea with me.

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Ah yes, you must be wondering: "Mel, you fucktard, where is that chapter you promised m o n t h s ago?"

I have absolutely no idea, good friend.

I remember starting to write it when I posted the chapter right before this one, and then forgetting about it once I had gotten flooded with work.

Big tsk moment.

But I'm making this chapter as another thank you, because somehow new people always seem to visit this wonderful chaos I like to call my book. I get so many notifications related to this book, even now.

You guys are really weird, not gonna lie. But you're a good weird uwu

And I'm really close to 200 followers, like wh-?

F r I e n d s, w h e n ?

I really dont deserve such a following. I'm lazy and can't even update the smallest of things. But hey, i went back to playing osu-

You could suggest me some interesting games and we could play together sometime xd

Imagine having a game night with a book gang. It would be so great to just chat with you all as we enjoy a good game of digital uno or something.

Doing that someday would be a dream come true.

Also hello to every person who might not understand some terms talked about in this book, I'd like to ask you why and how you're still here. I hope I havent ruined your sweet innocence. I really value that.

Anyway, I'll be going for now. Dont expect a chapter too soon. I hope I'll update soon though.


Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta x Blind!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now