Chapter Three~ The Talk About A New Job~

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Twenty minutes after the whole light turning on Event, you were sitting on a couch, with a wet as fuck Hylian of sorts next to you, and Jeff and your brother sitting on the carpeted floor.

Well, Harry was laying on the carpet, but that's not the most needed detail, is it?

"So uh..."

"Yeah. You need to get your ass out of your own house, not before executing your brother in a way to describe your way of killing, find some fucked up quote, and come with us to some unknown mansion that the Fandom we're from says is slender's."Jeff explained again, his profanities still being used.

You just laughed. "Is this some kind of cliché fanfic where I become a damn pasta or proxy and join you guys? Cuz it sure sounds like one."

You don't even know, my sweet sweet [Y/N].

"The fuck was that voice?"

"What voice? You going crazy already?" Asked Jeff. Your brother and the elf just looked confused as fuck at your sudden sentence.

You frowned. "I heard the voice of some kind of like, a damn teen talking-"

Harry shook his head. "We didn't hear anything. Just ignore it."

You shrugged and nodded your head.

"Back to the situation at hand..."

"This isn't really a fanfic. I don't think so anyway. But uh, we kinda need a maid of sorts in the Mansion so we just-" Ben just got cut off by Jeff. Rude.

"We went through a TV in the Mansion and let the coding or whatever the fuck those numbers are take us wherever. And we landed here."

You stared at them blankly. A fucking maid? You couldn't even clean up your own room, you'd burn the house down by cooking, and they want you to be their goddamn maid? Hold the fuckin pho-

"Oh yeah, if you don't accept, you die." Jeff said.

You stared at him with a poker face, "You tried to kill me already, and I didn't give a fuck. This doesn't scare me you dumbass."

Ben and Harry were just staring as there was like, you know in Animes where two rivals glare at eachother and there's electricity connecting their eyes as a sign to show their hatred? That's just what it looked like, although it made no sense at all.

"You have to come either way."

"I have no damn skills in being a normal human, so fuck being a maid."

"Trust me sweetheart, you'll learn from the others."

"What if I'm too much of a dumbass to fucking learn?"

"Then you'll just have to continue nonetheless."


"Alright. I want something in return though.", you said with your voice becoming monotone.

"Go ahead."

I want you to jump off a cliff and Drown in the sea-

"You have to be the one teaching me."

He looked at you in disbelief. He expected something...worse? I guess?


"So that you'll have to be the one to experience how bad I am, and regret your choices while I annoy the fuck out of you."

"You won't succeed. So deal."

And so you both shook hands and turned to Ben and Harry, seeing them sit there together. You mentally prayed that the mansion won't be as bad as the pale fucktard next to you.

Ben got up and dusted himself off.

"Shall we go then?"

"Wait, what abou-"

"Harry will come with us."

"I thought I had to kill hi-"

"we tried to make shit sound cliché."


"Let's go!"

As you were about to jump into the television, you remembered.

Your goddamn dog would be here alone.

"Hold on-" You said and ran upstairs to get your white husky, Snowpuff, and went downstairs with her following behind you.

"Now we may go."

And so you 5 jumped in the TV, about to go to a completely new place.

You just realized that your only clothes you had on were your wet and sticky owl Pyjamas. Shit.

Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta x Blind!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now