Chapter Four~ Couches.

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After your small trip through cybernetic spaces, you and the four other living things dropped onto a couch right out of the TV.

The position, like always, seemed cliché. Everyone was toppled onto one another. You were right at the bottom, Jeff was sitting on top your lower parts, Ben on top of the both of you, and Harry was laying with the lower half of his whole body on the couch, while the other was hanging downwards from the back of the couch.

Being the one under everyone, and being tired as fuck, you didn't bother getting up.

You just laid there patiently, yet without patience, and waited for each of them to get off of you.

While they were doing that, you were playing with snowpuff with your left hand. Petting her white and soft fur was calming, and actually playing was fun.

While you were doing your own shit, the guys were slowly getting off of eachother, and once they were done, you remained laying on the couch.

All that changed is that snowpuff jumped next to you for cuddling.

So you closed your eye and welcomed her in the world of cuddles. Lightly petting her white, fluffy fur, you breathed silently and enjoyed the feeling of warmth next to you, completely ignoring the others.

They were surprised. Considering how fast you were able to ignore them, and how fast you just went to do something completely normal, it was just weird for them.

You were also aware of the fact that they were some well-known murderers, but you still didn't care.

You just acted as if nobody was there.

"[Y/N] wake the fuck up you daughter of a dying bush!"
Harry didn't have te for you to nap around.

"Oh shut Ze fuck up you little bitch. That Bush is already dead, not dying. Get it right."

"I won't, get your ass up and off that couch before you fall asleep."

"What if I don't want to? I rarely get sleep, and this couch is comfy as fuck."

"You say that about every couch you lay on."

"Because couches are the only best way to sleep if they're fabricated with love and care."

"Every couch?"

"Some are alright, and not every couch. Small ones exist, and they're very uncomfortable."

"Hey what are yo-"

"SHut the fuck up Hylyfucker"

"[Y/N] don't insult them, I don't have the time to get killed."

"You think I'd give one fuck? Lemme sleep."

And so he gave up.

You smirked, knowing you had won the small argument, and closed your eyes again.

But only to open them again after you realized that some shit might happen if you didn't. You groaned and sat up, accidentally making snowpuff fall down.

You started to tear up. "I'm so sorry my baby I didn't mean to push you oh God I'm so fucking sorry I hope you still love me I didn't mean to snowpuff-" you got cut off but her jumping and curling up on your lap. You sighed in relief and started petting her.

The observing males were wondering what the fuck was wrong with you, considering the way your moods are.

If you were to be honest, you just wanted a new change of clothes, and to sleep.

Maybe a shower too, considering how sticky you were because of the soda.

Yeah, a shower would be delightful.

Jeff opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off by opening your own. "Are there any clothes I can change into? I'm still in my wet ass Pyjamas. They're sticky as fuck and I hate it."

"Shut the fuck up, and let me talk for once. I'm tired of your voice."

Ho boy, Jeff seems pissed~

"What the fuck, I heard the voice again!"


Yep, Jeff was mad.

"I heard it agai-"

Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta x Blind!Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ