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I just realised that every chapter I write is being made after 12 am, when I cant sleep.

Dont you guys like reading the words of a sleep high author? You all probably hate it and love it at the same t I m e-

I'd write this book properly, but it isn't that serious. I mean, I can write seriously, but I think of this thing as a "mentally drunkly created parody".

I'm sorry, but also not. You're the ones reading thi s.

I would still like to thank everyone for how supportive you've been. It's honestly wonderful to know that this book might soon reach 40k reads.

Li k e , m y  g u y--

That's a lot.

Anyway, thank you.

Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta x Blind!Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin