Chapter 38

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(Damon's POV)

When we got into the house I gave Caroline the okay to go. Me and Elena went upstairs and I cuddled her tight.

"I love you," I told her. Which only made her cry harder.

"Elena, I don't know what to do. Please what can I do to make this better," I asked her.

"Nothing. Nothing can make this better. My parents just died right before my very eyes, Damon, you can't expect me to just be okay with it," she told me.

"I know. I'm sorry, its just, I hate seeing you in pain, Elena, I hate it," I told her.

"I'm tired can we just go to bed?" She asked me.

"Of corse," I told her and we fell asleep.


I woke up at about five am to a crying baby. It was Spencer then she woke up the twins who were up for the day. I turned on the tv while I changed Spencer's diaper. She fell right back asleep. But I wasn't ready to let go of her. Not just yet. We sat on the couch and I fell asleep.


I was awoken by Elena.

"Where are the twins?" She asked nervously.

"Right... well they were right here," I told her.

"Damon!" She screamed at me.

"Take Spencer and I'll go look for them," I said.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just worried. They're my babies. You know?" She asked me.

"Yes I know. They are my babies too," I told her and have her a quick kiss before walking into the kitchen. They had gotten into some frosting and it was all over them. I grabbed them and decided it was bath time.


(Elena's POV)

It's almost the twins first birthday. We need to start planning it. I can't believe I've been a mother for a year. My babies are growing up way to fast. It's terrible. I decided I needed to go to the store. Get some party supplies. I walked upstairs to where Damon was bathing the girls.

"I'm gonna go to the store. I'll take Spencer with me. The boys are still asleep and they should be for awhile," I told him and gave him a quick kiss before walking out. I put Spencer in the car and began my drive to the store.

(Ian's POV)

Once Elena left I realized I had to go pay some bills and get some baby stuff. So I called Matt.

"Matt, could you come babysit Ian and Ryan? Elena and Spencer went shopping, and I have a few errands to run. I'll take Emily and Brittany with me. The boys are asleep and I don't wanna wake them," I told Matt.

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute," he told me.


It was about an hour later when I got back. Elena also wasn't here yet.

"Matt?" I called out, "where are you?" But I got no reply. I searched the house and didn't let the girls out of my arms. Matt was on the floor and he was passed out.

"Damn it!" I screamed, and fed him some blood and he woke up.

"Matt! Where are my boys??" I asked him worriedly.

"Rebeka, she came and took them with her," he said. I took out my phone and called Elena.

"We have a problem," I said

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