Chapter 14

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Just as I started falling forward, I was pulled back and I was in his arms.

"Damon," I said.

"Elena! What the hells wrong with you! Why were you trying to jump off the bridge? Were you trying to kill yourself! You know if you do that you not just killing yourself! You killing our triplets! Your not taking one life your taking four! Now why the hell did you do that!" he screamed at me.

"Damon, I- I-" i started but I had tears in my eyes that were now escaping.

"Why would you do that! Are you happy?"

"I am! Damon that's the thing I can't live without you!"

"What did you think I was gonna leave you or something?!"

"Yes! I did! Wanna know why?"

"No I don't!" he said and kissed me.

"I have to tell you!"

"No you don't!"

"Kiss me again!" he didn't even pause he just kissed me again. Then again.

He pulled away, " I love you," he whispered ever so slightly.

"I always loved you," I told him.

"Now are you ready to go home to our family?"

"Yes I am," I tell him as we walk hand in hand back to my car. Thank god he saved me, and my babies! Speaking of my babies....

"Where are the children?" I asked him.

"With Katherine."

"Oh how is her pregnancy going?"

"Oh I think she's doing pretty good!"

"I can't believe she doing this for us!"

"Doing what?"

"Carrying babies for klaus!"

Then we pulled up to the house and Caroline was here. I haven't talk to her much because I've been so busy!

"Caroline! I'm so happy your here!" I screamed when I walked into the door. But she was crying and stefan was sitting next to her rubbing her back, and even he looked a little teary eyed.

"What's going on?" Damon asked. Which only made Caroline cry harder!

"Um, we lost the baby," Stefan told us and now he was crying.

"Oh my gosh guys!" I told them and ran up and bear hugged them both," I'm here for you guys you know."

"Elena it's too hard," she told me.

"What's 'too hard'" I asked her and pulled away from the hug.

"Being around you! Don't get me wrong, in extremely happy for you, but I just lost my baby! I can't be around yours right now," she said and got up and walked out the door. I was in tears too now and Damon just grabbed me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"It'll be alright, she'll come around," he told me. Although matter of fact I didn't know if she would!

"I don't think she will, Damon."

"Elena she'll come around, she loves you but she dosent love me anymore," Stefan told me. I broke away from my hug with Damon and went to Stefan and hugged him.

"She loves you stefan."

"No, no she dosent she just broke up with me actually."

"Wait she what?" I said that's impossible! She loves him!

"Yup she said were done. She can stand looking at me everyday and think of what coulda been, it's just too hard, so she left to New Orleans to go see what Klaus has to offer."

"No she can't leave us! Damon! Take me after her!"

"Elena, we have children now, we just can't get up and leave," Damon told me.

"God I'm stuck! I can never go anywhere! And god forbid I go after my friend! It's like being 13 all over again! I'm going to Bonnie's!"

"Elena, I think Emily's hungry and we're out of formula," he said kinda scared to say it to me.

"Then go to the store," I said in a clam but angry voice.

"Elena, you can't just leave every time your mad," Stefan told me.

"Really? Your on his side now? So I guess that ki-" and I stopped and looked at Stefan then at Damon and then ran up to my room crying.

(Damon's POV)

Elena ran upstairs crying. What just happened. These triplets are really making her hormonal. I walked up to our room where she was laying on the bad crying, I picked her up put her in my lap and held her then I knew what I need to say.

"I know," I told her she stopped ceying and looked up at me with her eyes wide.

"What do you know?" she asked me.

"I know what happened with you and Stefan last night, I have vamp hearing, I was coming to get to so we could go to dinner than I heard, and saw." Then she started crying again.

"Damon, I- I-, I'm so sorry!"

"Baby that's the thing it's okay, just please, no more sleepovers with Stefan that's all I ask."

"Okay. I promise," she told me and she put her head up and I leaned mine down and kissed her on the lips a sweet little kiss. And then she put her arms around my neck. Then I laid her down on the bed and we kissed, and kissed, and kissed.

"We need to start another nursery," she said ruining the moment. I rolled over to my side, then onto my back.

"Yeah, we don't even know the genders though, we should wait till then," I said turning on my side and kissing her again.

"Your right!" she exclaimed, "do you realize just in this week, we have a one month check up, and two month shots for our children?"

"Wow busy week! Which ones first?"

"The shots," she told me.

"Oh my favorite!" I told her sarcastically.

"I'm glad we can work things out," she told me.

"Me too," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go see our little babies!" she exclaimed and raced me downstairs.

As I was running after her, she, being the clumsy person she was tripped and fell down the stair and went unconscious. And then there was blood! I just couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

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