Chapter 11

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When I woke up I was still in Stefan's room, and I woke up to both girls crying so I got up and grabbed Brittany first.

"Here let me help," Stefan said as he picked up Emily, "my nieces are so beautiful!" he exclaimed. "they defiantly don't have Damon's looks, that's for sure!"

I blushed a little as I started feeding Brittany, "here's a bottle for Emily, and by the way thank you for everything, Stefan."

"Glad to help," Stefan said, " and it's good practice!" he said and started smiling.

"Oh yeah! How's Caroline doing?" I asked him.

"She's great!" he exclaimed.

"That's great how the-" and that's when I stopped and put Brittany down and had to run to the bathroom. and I threw up like crazy! When I was done I went back into Stefan's room.

"Are you okay?" he asked questioningly.

"I'm not sure," I said, "I'm bring the babies to Damon I'm going out." I said and said and started packing out stuff.

"Hey! I'll watch my little niece!" Stefan exclaimed.

"Oh, are you sure? They can be a handful?"

"I'm positive," stefan said, "it'll be good practice! And I haven't gotten to see them much since Katherine kinda hogs them from me!" Stefan exclaimed.

Maybe he was right, maybe this would be good for him. "Okay, well if you need anything Damon's just on the other side of the house, and I'm just a phone call away!" I said and smiled.

"Okay!" he said.

"Oh! And thank you again, Stefan, it means the world to me!"

"Oh! Yeah! Anytime Elena!"

And I ran out the door, I knew the first place I had to go was to see Meredith, because Klaus said something was wrong and I needed to know what it was. On the way I called her.

"Meredith, can I come see you? I need your help," I said.

"Sure, I can take you in about twenty minutes?" she said.

"Okay! I'll see you then," I said and hung up.

I decided I wanted Damon with me for this so I called him.

"Damon?" I said when he picked up.

"Yup?" he asked questioningly.

"Can you take a ride with me?" I asked him.

"Sure I'll be out in a second."

When he got in the car I was instantly scared.

"What wrong Elena? Where are we going?" He asked me.

"That's the thing, I.. um.... well I...."

"Elena, darling spit it out!" Damon exclaimed.

"Sorry, but I, um, I think I'm pregnant," I told him. When I said that his mouth just dropped.

"I'm guessing were going to see Meredith?" he questioned while I just shook my head yes, " well then we better get going," he said as he looked forward, and I knew he was stunned. Then I broke down crying again.

"Mhmm," was all I said, it was actually all I could manage to say.

When we got their Meredith was waiting for us. "hello Damon, Elena," Meredith said, "ready to find out if you guys are having a baby?"

"I guess so," Damon said as he grabbed my hand. I smiled, thankful he did still love me.

She had me peed in a cup, and she took some blood, and then she came back a little while later with the result, and when she walked in Damon grabbed my hand and started rubbing my back.

"Elena, Damon, you guys are going to have a baby,"

And that's when I started crying again, and Damon just hugged me.

"I'd like you back in a week," Meredith said.

I shook my head as if to say okay, because I honestly couldn't manage to get any words out because, I was crying to hard, could I really handle three kids under the age of two?

When we got to the car I let Damon drive because I was too broken up, and when we got their Damon said he was gonna go for a little drive, so I went upstairs to see my babies and Stefan.

"Elena? Are you alright?" Stefan asked when I walked in the door. The babies must be asleep, I thought.

"No Stefan I'm not!" I said and ran into his arms and just let him hug me.

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked.

"I'm pregnant! Again! I can't have another baby! I just can't! do you realize I'll have an eleven month old, and a new born! Do you even know how hard that's gonna be?!"

"Elena, I do, but me and Katherine we can help you! And my brother loves you and his children more than life itself! He will help you," Stefan told me.

"Thank you Stefan, and I can't spend my whole life crying," and just like that a baby was crying.

"I'll get that," Stefan said.

"No I got it. I miss my babies!" I exclaimed, and I did I really needed them right now.

When I got up their I started thinking, what about me and Damon's wedding! I'm gonna start planning it tonight, I want to plan it before I start showing, and I mean we defiantly have the money to do so! We are gonna have to start a new nursery! We should have Katherine move to our wing so she can help us!

Once I changed Emily's dipper I brought we down stairs to play with us. She was such a pretty girl! Maybe having another kid wouldn't be all that bad...

I just don't even know what to think anymore, I'm so confused!

(Damon's POV)

Damn it! It was bad with two children! Me and Elena have a hard enough time already! Why do they need to make it harder?! I'm sick of this! God I need some blood! So I went to the first house I saw and sucked that women dry! Then I went home and when I looked in the window I saw Elena playing with Emily, they were so beautiful! I love my girls, I do, maybe it's okay to have another baby, but then again, I don't know it's gonna be hard. I don't want another baby! We can't have another baby.

"Isn't she cute!" Elena exclaimed.

"Adorable! But Elena I don't think we could have another baby," I told her she just leaned into me and hugged me.

"You think I don't know that, Damon, well i do, I know that better than anybody, but it's too late now," she said. But she was wrong.

"You can get an abortion," I said and the second I did, I regretted it.

"YOU THINK I'D BE OKAY WITH AN ABORTION?! WELL IM NOT DAMON!" she yelled and when she did Emily started crying again. "I'm staying in Stefan's room again!" she yelled and when into Stefan's room crying. Yeah I felt bad, but there nothing else I could if done. It was the right thing to do. And I was gonna stick to it.

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