Chapter 31

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( Elena's POV)

Out first day back, Damon bought two vans, and a house, for our family. Stefan and Damon brought everything in, and me, Katherine, Caroline, and Bonnie, played with the kids, who still had us out numbered. Katherine might move in with us, because she needs help with pregnancy, all the girl asked me if I think I'll have more, I told them, 'no way in hell.' And we all had a good laugh. The girls are gonna watch our children so we can unpack our stuff and theirs, because there's no way we're gonna be able to do it with 5 babies.

"Elena, Damon's waiting for you," Stefan said as he walked in to the Salvatore boarding house.

"Okay, thank you Stefan, for all your help," I said as I have him a hug. Then I walked out, got in my van, and drove to our new house. It was beautiful, two story, which was perfect, not too big, and not too small. It has five rooms, which is more than enough for now. I locked the van walked to the door, got out my keys and unlocked the door.

"Damon!" I yelled through the house.

"Upstairs!" He yelled.

"So I was thinking..." I said.

"Oh no, that's not good," I said.

"Well I want to be turned into a vampire," I said.


"No, Damon, I already know what you're gonna say so don't say it. I want to be a vampire and I want you to turn me. But if you won't I'll just find another way."

"Elena, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Damon. This is the way I can protect my home, and my children. Please if you don't, I'll find someone else who will," I said sassy as I put my hands on my hips to let him know how serious I was.

"Elena, if it's what you'd like then okay, but I want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into," he told me.

"Deal, well we can pick a day and I'll have the girls come over, or maybe even my brother and Bonnie, what about Saturday?" I asked him.

"Whatever you'd like," he said and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you, why don't you start on the living room and I'll do the kids' rooms," I said and he smacked my butt as I ran up the stairs.

When I got up there I started unpacking but to my surprise my phone started ring. Probably one of the girls with a question about the baby, but when I looked at my phone to my suprise it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Elena? Elena Gilbert? I talked to you at your wedding, about your parents and Aunt Jenna?" he said questiongly. I quickly went and shut the door.

"Yes, what do I have to do," I said determined.

"All you have to do is fill them in on everything, and come pick them up at the mystic grill," he said. I looked around.

"When?" I asked.

"Now," he said.

"I'm on my way," I told him then ran down the stairs.

"Damon! I'm.. er.. gonna take the van for a test drive be back in a few!" I yelled. Then I ran out to the van, got in, and started driving to the Mystic Grill


When I pulled up to the mystic grill and stood outside my van, not sure where to go from here, the man didn't tell me. Then a SUV pulled up beside me.

"Elena Salvatore?" the man asked. It was so weird to be called that.

"Yes, that's me," I said.

"Well I think I have something for you," he said and opened the door.

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