Chapter 27

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(Elena's POV)

I put on my dress, then Damon and I walked out out the limo together, hand in hand. This was it. I was finally married. When we got in everyone clapped and cheered. I saw Emily with Caroline, and Brittany was with Katherine. Then we walked to our table and sat down. Dinner was being served, so we got up, and I for one, filled my plate. It was a mountin.

"You sure you're gone be able to eat all that?" Damon whispered into my ear.

He didn't have much on his plate, then again, it's not like he really needed it. He probably live on beer for the night. Stefan and Katherine were watching the girls tonight so me and Damon could have some, one on one time. He had something planned, he just wouldn't tell me what.

We sat down and I absolutely stuffed my face.

"Slow down, or you're gonna explode," Damon chuckled.

"Hey, you did this to me! I'm currently feeding, six if you count breast feeding!" I told him. Because, it was true.

"And I'm so thankful you are," he said and kissed my lips.

Then after I finished and dumped my tray Damon stood up and offered me his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, I shook my head yes, and took his hand. It was a slow song. And we danced, like we did at ms mystic falls pageant. It was wonderful.

"Will you always love me?" I whispered into his ear.

"Forever and always my dear," he told me.

"Uh, Elena?" it was Caroline tapping on my shoulder.

"What's up, Caroline?" I asked her, not moving from Damon.

"We're out of marshmallows!" Caroline told me.

"Oh crap! Have someone go get some! We can be out of marshmallows!!" I yelled. That has to be the worst thing that could have happened. Hopefully that's the end of it.

"So are you excited for tonight?" he asked me.

"Of course I am! Are you?"

"Yes," he said. Then we sat down.

"Time for the toasts!" Enzo announced.

"Well I'm obviously Damon's best man," Enzo started, "we met long ago, and Damon and me instantly became best friends, I thought all was lost when he left me in a burning house to die, but then he saved me in the end, like fifty years later... but who's counting? Anyways, these love birds deserve happiness more than anyone I know, they've defeated all obstacles, and Elena's having his babies. I love you man," he said and Damon was smiling I could tell he was happy. He put his arm around me and I snuggle right on into him.

"Awe, okay, my turn!" Katherine called out, "okay, so I met Damon gosh over a hundred years ago, and he was instantly in love with me, but I loved his brother, then I came back, and tried to ruin Elena and Damon's life, but then I became good friends with them, and now I'm carrying a baby for them. But these love bird are amazing together, they were meant to be. And they have the most beautiful kids, that I have ever seen, and it is so amazing how far they both have come, and I just wanna wish them both luck, in the long journey they have ahead of themselves. So please raise your glasses to the new Salvatore Family!" she exclaimed.

"To the new Salvatore Family!" everyone exclaimed. Stefan decided to go next.

"Okay, I'm brother of the groom, and I just wanted to say congratulation on picking such a wonderful bride. You guys deserve each other, and I can't say enough how happy I am, for the both of you. I have had so many funny moment with the two of you, it's unbelievable. I couldn't name them all even if I tried. They are also such great parents, those kids are so very lucky, they will grow up to be great people, but only because they were raised by such great people. Elena, I'm so glad you're my sister in law, you guys defiantly deserve it," he said and then everyone clapped. I had tears in my eyes.

"Okay well I'm Caroline," she said getting up in stage, "Elena and I have been very good friends since kindergarten, she's had way to much pain, for only being 20 years old, and she deserves a little happiness. No matter how much I hate to say it, Damon does to. You guys have the cuttest little girls that I have ever seen. I hope the me and Klaus can have a life like you guys, because you guys are so happy. I love you guys," she said and my eyes were watering. Then everyone cheered. Then someone from across the room looked at me and out one finger to his lips.

"I'll be right back," I told Damon, then followed the mystery person outside.

"Elena Gilbert," the person told me.

"Yes? Who are you?"

"That parts not important, but what is import is what I have to tell you next," he said and looked into my eyes.

"What if I told you, that I could bring back, your mom, your dad, and your aunt Jenna?" and my heart instantly skipped a beat.

A.N. Hello fellow readers! Thanks so much for 5k reads! I'd like to thank Vampirepuppies for the idea for the marshmallows, and nian4life for helping me with all my writing and questions that I've had. And everyone who's read it for reading! :)

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